Blog Archives

November 28, 2021

Today was our minister, Mike’s, last sermon at Hempfield church. He is retiring and going to be an interim and fill in pastor until he decides what is next. It was a good message. Thanks, Mike, for 19 years at

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November 27, 2021

This will be even shorter than yesterday! I was on my feet all day. It’s 9pm and I’m just going to grab something to eat. My leg muscles are screaming! I was very pleased, though, that I got all the

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November 26, 2021

This will be short – I have spent about 11 hours decorating the house – not nearly done. but I have been going through each box thoroughly, cleaning out, mixing up, and making things merry and bright. Still lots to

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Thanksgiving Day 2021

We had a very lovely day! The kids/grandkids were happy and healthy and excited to spend the day together. Jen and Nate bought a fresh turkey and it was not only very moist and delicious, but it was the ‘prettiest’

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November 24, 2021

So, here was our day. For some reason we were both up about 6am. Not sure why. Baked the scones and had warm, melty ones for breakfast. Yum. I cleaned the bathrooms, kitchen, and the floors; did a load of

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November 21, 2021

Kelly & I started out this morning by picking up our shopping where we left off yesterday. We did have better luck today. Stores and traffic are already crazy busy – it will only get more so as the days

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The Manger House – Comment

Liz commented on my review – I was very excited so I wanted to share it with you! I copied this off of the facebook page:

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November 22, 2021

The obvious start to this day is the question, “Where were you when you heard President Kennedy had been shot?” On this day in 1963 JFK was assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald in Dallas Texas, when he was part of

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The Manger House

by Elizabeth Bromke I wanted to post this – get it out there. You all know I’m a huge fan of Elizabeth’s books – and love writing reviews. I hope you can take time to read a few – or

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November 21, 2021

It was a little warmer today, but rained off and on. I stopped at Nate’s to get the turkey and he was cutting the grass. When I left it was starting to rain. Hope he got finished. I was able

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