Before 10am, I had done a mile on the treadmill, changed my bed sheets, washed them, dried them, folded and put them away, got a shower, and had breakfast. I was just reading emails when Kath called and said we could finally get together today and go through the things in Grandad Crooks’ trunk. So after lunch we spent several hours doing that, and it was fun. Both being together and taking a ‘walk back’ in time. There were quite a number of things from the mid- to late 1800’s, things belonging to Mom, her mom, and her grandmother – and her uncle Edd. We only have a small pile left to go through, then we can start on the photos.

After she left, I decided to go to the store, which was a crazy mistake. It wasn’t as crowded as I expected but I thought maybe we were facing the apocalypse and I didn’t get the memo. I couldn’t believe how many shelves were empty – and the strangest things! No lettuce at all! And yogurt. And chicken. I actually didn’t go for food items. But the 2 things I was looking for were sold out, too. Razor blade glass scraper? Really???

If you are on facebook, you will see that I have a double bed I’d like to get rid of. If you or anyone you know is interested please email or txt me – or leave a note on this website. Thanks!

Will we or will we not get snow tomorrow night? When I went past Pinnacle, I noticed they had the snowplow truck parked out front beside the doors, and that all the cars were lined up close together in the back line. So they are ready to plow, should the need arise! Stay safe and cautious if we do it get – or whenever we get it!

January 15th – Name the childhood addresses you remember. “Only had one address & that was Smicksburg, PA.” Kath and I found a few cards and a newspaper mailed to Jess Crooks at Smicksburg PA. Not sure when the mailing address changed to a HOME, R.D.#.

Calendar inspiration – History lies quietly in every home & family. Reflect on your personal experiences – write your stories down!

Yesterday’s vacation destination was — Plimoth Plantation in Plymouth MA – Most of the photos below are from the trip Kath and I took to Boston in 2019. At the plantation is the Grist Mill, 17th Century English Village, thatched houses, family gardens, the Wampanoag community (Historic Patuxet), museums, demonstrations, meeting house. Other things to do around Plymouth are the Sandwich Glass Museum, John & Priscilla Alden site, Memorial State Park, Hoxie House, Brewster Gardens, Antiquarian House, Mayflower Museum and the Mayflower II (when it’s in dock), cruises. We didn’t see everything – maybe that means a trip back someday?

Website photo

Kathy at the Wampanoag Community
Quote –

Scripture –

Vacation Destination –

I am sorry to say that I posted TOMORROW’s National day YESTERDAY! So just go back and read it. TODAY was:
January 15
- National Bagel Day
- National Booch Day
- National Hat Day
- National Strawberry Ice Cream Day
- National Use Your Gift Card Day
It might be too late to do any of that, but I’m sure it’s acceptable if you have to carry it over into tomorrow! Apologies! Regardless of how you celebrate, enjoy your day, stay safe, and be happy! As my friend Lenny would say, ‘Keep Smiling!’ God bless…
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