Lather rinse repeat! I bundled up this morning and cleaned off the new snow in the driveway (that didn’t take long) and also finished the parking space at the top. A little sun during the day helped make it clear and dry. ‘A thing of beauty is a joy forever’ — or until it snows again!

I invented a little shortcut for spreading salt – I put the very heavy bag of salt in my garden bucket. It has wheels and I can pull it up the driveway as I need it. Sure beats making a bunch of trips or lugging a heavy bag.

Also, I just discovered a Hallmark ‘Paul Campbell’ movie that I’ve never seen. I will try to watch it later, because he is my favorite!

After lunch I checked in with Nate, who – with Chrissy’s help – was shoveling the driveway at the new house while the furnace guy was working on the new space in the basement. Moving right along! Then I popped over to the store to pick up about 6 items, since I didn’t have to work today and couldn’t stop ‘on my way home.’ The Pinnacle guys were still working on clearing the lots, and they were ‘dicey’, as they put it! So I scrubbed the basement floor, did the ironing, and navigated a new program on my computer. I’m not good at that!

January 18, 2022 – Tell about a favorite Aunt – (Aunt Effie Burns and Aunt Blanch Hillberry). “Aunt Effie Burns was my favorite aunt on my dad’s side. Aunt Blanch was my favorite aunt on my mother’s side. I would stay at Aunt Effie’s and she taught me how to do things the ‘fancy’ way. Mom & Dad often called me ‘little Effie.’ Aunt Blanch was just a lot of fun & was generous with anything she had. I got nice things when a child because of her kindness.” I don’t remember Aunt Blanch but I do remember Aunt Effie a bit. She was eccentric, if I recall!

Calendar inspiration for today is: Plan ahead and be prepared for things to glide smoothly.

Yesterday’s vacation destination was Austria – and the photo posted was Vienna. Some things to do in Austria are: Winter sports, Bohemian forest, Christmas markets, concerts at Anne’s Church, Ice Caves & Waterfalls. You can also tour Salzburg and visit the sites where ‘The Sound of Music’ was filmed. But don’t hold your breath; I don’t think you will actually meet Maria!

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Scripture –

Vacation destination –

TOMORROW January 19 is:
I could do popcorn. Maybe I will. But being Wednesday, tomorrow will be cleaning day! Also, it will be somewhat warmer, so any precipitation should be rain! Have a safe and happy day – God Bless…
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