I was right – by the middle of the day, the driveway was clear of snow, as was most of the yard. I spent the day cleaning and doing little chores that I thought about as the day went on.
In the mail I received a note from my friend Mary Ann Howe’s sister-in-law (Bernie). Mary Ann was formerly a phone operator at Smail’s. She was a good friend and we kept in touch. I sent her a Christmas card, and had a strange feeling when I was writing it out. Bernie sent a nice letter and told me that Mary Ann had passed away last year. I was sorry I hadn’t known. Bernie sent me one of Mary Ann’s angel charms. Mary Ann loved angels, and I have several that belonged to her that she shared over the years. So let this little post be a tribute to her friendship.

After I finished my day of cleaning, I did the ironing and then a load of towels. They are in the dryer. I sat down for a few minutes to open the mail and see what was on TV this evening. I’m listening to Rick Steve’s Europe, as I’m getting tired of Hallmark reruns!

Kathy brought me over a poinsettia from their Christmas service at church – I think I mentioned that. But it’s so very unique in color that I decided to share a picture. I’ve never seen one with this coloring. Very stunning!

I want to take a minute to wish my Skunk Hollow Cousin Beth a very happy birthday! And it’s also her daughter Sabrina’s birthday! Wishing a special day of celebration to both of them! Sending hugs, love, and happiness to both mother and daughter!

…. A few years ago!

January 12 – What did your father do for a living? “My father went to Greensburg & worked for a wealthy family as their chauffeur. He went into the army & fought in WWI. He was gassed with mustard gas & wasn’t healthy after that. He bought a farm along with Uncle Edd. Besides the farm work, he worked at a big feed mill where they ground grain & made flour & also animal feed. He later did road work for South Mahoning Twp. He never applied for a veterans pension. He was eligible.”
Today’s calendar inspiration – Keep an open mind for unexpected Joy – you never know when good things will surprise you.

Yesterday’s vacation destination was … Pedestal Rock (Ozarks) in ARKANSAS. Beautiful view! Other things to do would be touring Johnny Cash’s boyhood home, the Inland Maritime Museum, historic driving tours, Helena Civil War Tour, and the Ozark Mountain Waterfalls.

Quote –

Scripture –

Vacation Destination –

TOMORROW January 13th is:
- Korean American Day
- National Peach Melba Day
- National Rubber Ducky Day
- Stephen Foster Memorial Day
- National Sticker Day
Rubber Ducky! How fun! I have a Christmas one. My friend has one that is reading a book, and she takes it everywhere she goes and shares photos on facebook! I used to be known as the Sticker Lady at Smail’s. All the kids would stop by my office for stickers and M&M’s! My family is all too old for stickers these days… I still have some! God bless…

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