Treadmill, breakfast, work. Not much at either store but I kept busy until my noon appointment for the shingles shot. My arm hurts worse with this than it did with the COVID shots. But no other side-effects, thankfully. Another beautiful sunrise…

Today was Joe’s birthday, so I took his card and his favorite M&M’s (Brownie bite M&M’s) for him. He says he’s going to eat one a day. What was that old Lays commercial? Bet you can’t eat one! We’ll see how that goes. Happy birthday Joe! Here’s to many, many more!

I made a few cheese sticks for lunch, and now I’m having a cup of hot tea and listening to Rick Steves’ Europe. It’s a cloudy, rainy day, and when I was sitting upstairs in my living room (seldom do that) it struck me how cozy the little deer look ‘eating’ from the tree. I have a very small string of blue battery-operated lights on it, and I love the effect.

Not sure if I mentioned that I stopped to browse at L&L Fleatique the other day, and added a small wooden block to my snowflake corner. I’ve been eyeing it for several months, and it was half price. So — it came home with me!

Not entirely sure which day the furniture is getting moved at Nate’s – so I’m just on standby for when it does. I’m still trying to work out some snags in my mind about my newest writing project – coming close but still uncertain. I’ll work on that this weekend..

January 13th – Did your mother work outside the home? “She worked from daylight until bedtime keeping us in homemade clothes. She worked in the garden during the summer months. We canned hundreds of jars of fruit & vegetables each year. We were a family of 8, which takes a lot of work.”

Calendar inspiration today is ” Brighten someone’s day with an unexpected kindness.” Anyone who knows me well knows that one of my favorite saying is “It’s better to be kind than to be right.” Kelly made me a tee-shirt with that saying on it.

Yesterday’s Vacation Destination was Belize. The picture was Cockescomb Wildlife Sanctuary. Other things to do in Belize (but not limited to!) are golf and deep sea fishing, Marine Reserve, Maya Ruins, Day Safari, sunset sailing tour.

Quote –

Scripture –

Vacation Destination –

Where are we?
TOMORROW January 14 is:
Look up Ratification day (see below). I’ll celebrate that! Otherwise I’m not sure yet what tomorrow will be for me. Writing, laundry, ironing. Whatever is it, I’ll make it good. God bless…

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