Blog Archives

March 9, 2022

This morning was my day to laze in bed for an extra half hour and read. All I had planned for today was to clean so I could spare the time. The sky convinced me that the day would hold

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March 8, 2022

It was a little slow for a work day, so I was home earlier than usual. I found that a new episode of HOME TOWN aired on Sunday so I looked it up and watched it. By then it was

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March 7, 2022

It started out as a rainy day and is still raining. Thankfully it’s pretty warm. I did make my pancakes for lunch. I made the ‘mistake’ of not buying Bisquick last time, and the recipe on the box of baking

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March 6, 2022

I went to Diane’s straight after Sunday School and we headed to Jennings Environmental center for the program – Sweet Stroll Through Maple History. The Park Ranger who took us through the hike was very engaging, informative, and interesting. Even

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March 5, 2022

Before I go any further, I want to post the review of the Thimble Shoppe. I also took a quick photo of the three thimbles I have – One is Grama Crooks’, one is Mary Crouch’s (Letters to Mary) and

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March 4, 2022

My mom used to say that this is the most commanding day of the year: MARCH FORTH!!! Hopefully your day was busy, in a good way! The day started with Diane coming for breakfast, and the scones were a huge

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March 3, 2022

I’m surprised that it’s still Thursday. This was an unexpectedly full, busy day, on top of a basically sleepless night (not sure why!). After work I stopped at Mike P’s, and he had a bunch of deals and questions. Then

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March 2, 2022

It was a beautiful, sunny, warm day. Mostly I was doing inside chores, like cleaning and organizing and laundry, but I was outside a few times. Once my two neighbors were out, and we stood on the street taking for

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March 1, 2022

March definitely came in like a lamb – but the sun played peek-a-boo with a light wind all day. Nicer temperatures so it was fine. After work I met Aunt Darlene (a friend) and her friend Gail at Pizza Siena.

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February 28, 2022

Here we are at the end of February – will tomorrow – Fat Tuesday and March 1st – come in like a lamb or a lion? Seems like, based on today, it will be mild like a lamb. We’ll see

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