What a weather day! Several times it was a literal white-out blizzard. It was SO cold! I went outside to change the garden flags to spring – I was tempted to put up winter ones again. Spring WILL arrive. In it’s own good time (but hurry up!)

Before our friends left last night, Alexander climbed up with Logan and they were playing a calm game together. Alexander was certain that Logan was a friend for life – and maybe he is. Logan was so patient and kind and fun with the boys.

We did have our soup for lunch, and then I went over to the funeral home. When I walked in, April gave me a big hug and said she was watching for me! She knew I would come, and I’m so glad I chose to go to the first viewing right away. I asked her what happened, and she said Griffin had been ill, fighting a fever, and just didn’t wake up on Wednesday morning. It’s a total nightmare for all of them. I had never seen a young child at a viewing, and it was very unsettling. I was so glad I could be there for her and the family. Such a sweet little boy. My heart aches for them. There were so many baskets of bright, beautiful flowers, with stuffed dinosaurs and teddy bears and toys. He was wearing his Superman shirt. It’s something a person won’t forget in a long, long time.

We had sliders and French fries for supper, and now the boys are playing video games and Kelly is working on the ‘eternal’ lesson plans! Tomorrow we have some sewing projects and I have ironing to do. And the boys will – – – play video games.

We looked out the window during supper and saw a duck land in the neighbor’s driveway. I think he needs a ride somewhere…

April 10- Tell about any sports you played in Junior or Senior High. “The only sport I played was Volley Ball during Gym class.” I’m with you, Mom – no sports for THIS girl, either!

Yesterday’s vacation destination was West Virginia, and the picture posted was Seneca Rocks. Here are other worthy site in WV:

Calendar Inspiration – If something isn’t working for you, make room for something better.

Quote –

Scripture –

Vacation Destination – Today’s vacation destination was suggested by Trent last night. No hesitation at all. He’s very sure this is where he wants to go!

TOMORROW April 20th is:
- 420 Day
- National Cheddar Fries Day
- National Lima Bean Respect Day
- National Look Alike Day
- National Pineapple Upside Down Cake Day
- National Banana Day
We had fries, but no Cheddar, and although I totally respect Lima Beans, we didn’t have any. Tomorrow will be a fun day to celebrate because they are all fun things. What looks alike to YOU? God bless – and pray for Griffin’s family during tomorrow’s service.
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