It was such a beautiful day! It inspired me to keep on a good pace to get the house cleaned so I could go outside. I spent about 2 1/2 hours outside and it felt so good! Clean fresh air. I got another section of the hill done. One more to go but it may not be this week.

When I woke up in the middle of the night I noticed shadows on the wall! I really do like to see the shadows. They are cheerful and inspiring!

Last evening it seemed to me that the Easter tree was not as bright but I didn’t really check it out. This morning I noticed that the bottom of the tree was not lit. It’s a pre-lit tree and only has a few more days until I take it down. So I got out a battery operated set of butterfly lights and wove it among the bottom branches. It looks just fine for now. I’ll decide that to do with it after Easter. It’s not the right time of year to buy lights!

I saw a post on facebook that my friend April’s family is going through a tragedy. I don’t know any details or for sure what happened, but her two year old grandson has passed away. I cannot imagine what they are going through; he was not ill. I haven’t talked to her; her son posted on behalf of his sister Morgen, who is Griffin’s mom. This is an unthinkable loss – please pray for the family.

Please pray for them. My heart is breaking!
April 13 – Share a memory about a church social activity. “I went to a Halloween party when I was a teenager. It was held in a big barn & was fixed up to make it spooky.” Our youth group had a harvest costume party in my teen years, and mom helped me make a dress with antique velvet ribbon and lace. It was blue, and full length – I went as Maid Marian from Robin Hood! I still have the dress.

Yesterday’s vacation destination was Ledbury UK. I know! I never heard of it. The picture posted was Coddington Vineyard. Other points of interest in Ledbury are:

Calendar inspiration – The thrill of success comes after a long uphill climb; enjoy your success!

Quote – today’s quote is from a movie I was watching: “Don’t eat your feelings!” I think we often do!

Scripture –

Vacation destination –

TOMORROW April 14th is:
- International Laverbread Day *
- Look Up at the Sky Day
- National Dolphin Day
- National Ex-Spouse Day
- National Gardening Day
- National Pan American Day
- National Pecan Day
- National Reach as High as You Can Day
I’ll buy into the gardening day, and maybe I will look up at some point. Otherwise, I’ll stick with my Thursday schedule. Work in the morning; dentist at 1:30. Not a fan of dental procedures but this is long overdue! Have a great day – God bless….
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