I really enjoyed being outside in the sun and warmer air today. After working at both stores, I picked up Autmn and her friend Alex. Autmn had an interview, so Alex and I sat in the car and chatted while Autmn was inside. I enjoyed talking with Alex – we are both writers! So the half hour passed pleasantly. Autmn seemed to think the interview went well, and thinks she would enjoy the job if she is hired. Fingers (and prayers!) crossed!
After a quick lunch of toast (homemade bread!) I changed and went outside to pull weeds on the hill. I was half-way done when I remembered to take a picture, but I took a close-up of the right side. Then an ‘after’ picture of the same area, and a picture of the whole right side. Job well done! I have the left side to do, but it’s not nearly as much.

One of the sections that I was working on was over-run with earth worms! Every time I pulled a weed there was a worm lurking underneath. Freaked me out. Do worms live in colonies? Or nests? Do they have a whole city under the weeds? I could probably look it up but I’ll just count on not seeing any more of them….

Early this morning, just after I got up, I looked outside to see none other than the Easter Bunny and EB-in-training! Little bunnies are so cute! They live under my deck. It’s getting close to the big day so I hope he’s a fast learner. Or she? Is the Easter Bunny a male or female??? Just so he brings M&M’s, I don’t care.

April 12 – Share a memory of going to church as you were growing up. “I remember when I was very small we went as a family. They closed the church & after that I went with the neighbors to their church. When the second world war started, and gas was rationed, Aunt Hazel & I walked to our church about 2 mile from us.”

Yesterday’s vacation destination was the Pittsburgh Zoo and Aquarium, and the picture posted was the butterfly tree sculpture. It was beautiful. Other things you might see at the Pittsburgh Zoo are:

Calendar inspiration – Spring is a feeling as much as a season – what cheers you most about springtime?

Quote –

Scripture –

Vacation destination –

TOMORROW April 13th is:
- National Borinqueneers Day
- National Make Lunch Count Day
- National Peach Cobbler Day
- National Scrabble Day
- National Thomas Jefferson Day
I’m not a fan of peaches so if I make lunch count it won’t be that! Have a happy day and enjoy what you celebrate. It’s Springtime! God bless…
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