The weather today was crazy. At one point it was blowing so hard that the rain was coming down sideways and looked like a cloud across the road. The doors at work kept opening and closing by themselves. By lunch time it was sunny and bright. Not sure what it wants to do but I’m glad I’m inside, and that I don’t have to work until sometime next week.
This will be short. I got the implant post in my bottom right tooth, and had the 2 teeth next to it pulled. I didn’t even know when they pulled my teeth. I DID know when they drilled through my ‘gum’ to put the screw in! It didn’t hurt, exactly, but I knew what was happening!
I have a prescription for infection and have to take Tylenol in a pretty high dose for a few days. It knocked me out. I keep falling asleep. So nothing other than that to write about.
April 14 – Tell about an Easter Egg hunt. “We colored eggs & then on Easter Mom would hide them so we could see how many we could find. We didn’t have plastic eggs. We did have jelly beans.”

Yesterday’s vacation destination was Monticello, in honor of Thomas Jefferson’s birthday. The picture posted was the Monticello Trail. Other sites at Monticello are:

Calendar inspiration – today show the world what makes you special!

Quote –

Scripture –

Vacation destination –

TOMORROW April 15th is:
- National Glazed Spiral Ham Day
- National Rubber Eraser Day
- National Take a Wild Guess Day
- National Tax Day
- National Titanic Remembrance Day
- Purple Up! Day
- Good Friday
- National Clean Out Your Medicine Cabinet Day
Lots to celebrate tomorrow – but keep the events of Good Friday first in your mind. Jesus died for us; for you and for me. God bless…
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