I was glad to see the sunshine this morning, and it’s stayed out most of the day. However it was far too windy to risk being out; I don’t want to get an infection in my dental stitches. I’ll just stay inside, except hopefully to church tonight. I’ll wear a scarf.

The obituary was online today for April’s grandson, Griffin. It’s just too sad to think about. I am praying for all of them. I can’t imagine….
After a soft breakfast of oatmeal I boiled potatoes to make potato salad tomorrow. Nate has the eggs so he’ll get them to me later tonight. While the potatoes were cooking, I mixed up a cinnamon streusel quick bread. It’s basically soft with almost no chewing so I can eat that. I had a slice of that and a soft potato for lunch.

Di went on her annual Good Friday hike – today it was to Roaring Run in Apollo. She sent me pictures. But she also said it was very chilly and terribly windy out there.

On this date in 1974 Stoney and I were married. It actually was far colder than this, and even snowed. And there wasn’t a trace of sun. Do you think that was foreshadowing?

April 15 – Tell about any other Easter traditions. “We made Easter bunnies to give away to our younger cousins. We had a reunion every Easter.”

Yesterday’s vacation destination was the Cotswold’s. Kelly spent a semester in Cheltenham England when she was in collage and visited some when she had time. Picture posted was of quaint villages. Here are others sites:

Calendar inspiration – Listen to the magical music of spring; the birds bring sweet songs

Quote –

Scripture –

Vacation destination –

TOMORROW April 16th is:
- National Bean Counter Day
- National Eggs Benedict Day
- National Healthcare Decisions Day
- National Orchid Day
- National Wear Your Pajamas to Work Day
- National Auctioneers Day
I refuse to count beans. Since I’m not working tomorrow I guess I COULD stay in PJ’s all day, but I won’t. Have a wonderful Saturday! God bless…
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