As promised, a small recap of Chonda Pierce. She is amazingly funny, and can draw you into her humor until you can’t stop laughing – then turn on a dime and pull at your heart strings. She had such a traumatic life, but has seen beauty rise from the ashes. As she shared her story, she brought life into perspective, but gave everyone something to rejoice in, a hope to cling to, a future to long for, and boundless laughter and joy! If you just take a moment to look her up, you will see what an incredible life she has lived, and how she lives and shares Christ no matter what she does. I was blessed to be able to attend – and a huge thanks to our Violet (cousin Deb!) for suggesting it and making all the arrangements. A beautiful evening.

I was happy to take my time getting started with my day. After my shower and breakfast, I did a load of laundry and also answered some emails and handled other household business. I decided to make French Toast for breakfast, because I am still trying to eat softer foods and that was soft. I used all the cinnamon and sugar mix so I took time to mix up a new container. Then before I cleaned up the kitchen I mixed up scones for tomorrow’s breakfast.

I picked up Mae (a long-time friend from Kentucky who is staying with Kath for 2 weeks), and we went to the Mall. We walked around a little bit – she had a coupon for Bath & Body Works and I wanted to stop in at Barbara Ann’s (of course). I did buy a coaster. How could I not?

From the Mall we went to my favorite little Fleatique, L&L in Adamsburg. We spent a good hour walking around looking at everything, talking about memories and unique items. I bought a purple round baking bowl for a $1.00! Best bargain in the place. After I dropped her off, I had to notarize a document for Janet & Kyle, then stopped to help Mike out at work. From there I went straight to Kathy’s for supper. We had soup, breadsticks, and veggie pizza. I never make that so it was a real treat. Thanks Sis!

After supper we sat around the table and looked at old family photos, and had a great time taking a walk back in time. Often we struggled to figure out who was in the photo or where it was taken. One of the favorite pictures I found was one of me holding my cousin Deb. Amazing!

As you may remember, today is National Cat Day. This is Snoopy’s opinion of that:

Memory Book – May 17th: Share a memory involving a war during your childhood or youth. “I was a student at Davis School when World War II started. We had a group that was nationwide. We were called Junior Commanders. I was the leader (Captain) because my dad had been in the army. I even taught the group how to march (smile).” That is so very cool. Our spunky little momma!

On this day in 1682 William Penn landed at what is now Chester, Pennsylvania. In 1929 – Black Tuesday: end of Roaring 20’s and start of the Great Depression. Winona Ryder – actress – was born in 1971; Kate Jackson (another Charlie’s Angels – Sabrina!) in 1948, and Bob Ross – American artist – in 1942. Sir Walter Raleigh, historian & explorer, was beheaded for treason at age 64; George McClellan, Union General, died of a heart attack in 1885 at age 58. In 1951 Frank & Nancy Sinatra divorced.

TOMORROW October 30 is:
- National Speak Up For Service Day
- National Publicist Day
- National Candy Corn Day
- National Trick or Treat Day
In the first place, no one should honor Candy Corn. In the second place, Trick or Treat is October 31st! No exceptions! But tomorrow is also Fall Family Fun Day at Historic Hanna’s Town. There is a full slate of activities, including Proctor’s Militia (complete with demonstrations at 1:30), hay rides, textile demonstrations, crafts, story time, historic cemetery tour, and the blacksmith shop. I’ll be in the Murry-Beacom house, probably all day – 11am to 4pm – so stop out and have some fun! God bless…
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