Tonight the Violets (Kath, Deb and I) are going to see Chonda Pierce at the Palace. I’ve heard some of her work but never seen her in person. If you haven’t heard of her, she’s a Christian comedienne. Laughing is just about the best medicine I can think of about now!
In the meantime, I am listening to Journey Back to Christmas as I type. I love having Frndly TV – you can go back like a day or two, pick a movie from the lineup, and watch it again and again if you want. I’ve watched several shows on repeat that I missed some of, or was distracted during the premier.
I worked at Jeannette, then went to a dentist appointment to have my unstable crown checked. Dr. Lane verified the instability, then recemented and sealed the crown. It should last long enough for me to have an implant placed in the open space for the tooth just pulled. Then we’ll start the process again. My teeth – as I have said before – are my Achilles Heel! Then I worked at Greensburg, stopped quickly at Walmart, then came home.
It’s a beautiful day, so I took advantage and raked leaves in the front yard, then mowed the grass. I’m sure by tomorrow I won’t be able to tell I even raked, but it is, after all, fall! I made rice and had a few bites of rainbow sherbet. I have some time until we have to leave for the Palace. I’ll post those details tomorrow.

I heard Roger was in the hospital, so I finally got in touch with him. We talked for about half an hour. He still gets severe back & leg pain off and on, and is scheduled for rehab. Can’t manage walking or standing yet. But he was in good spirits and was as crazy and fun as usual! I was relieved to hear him so chipper.

Memory book – October 6: If you ever played in the leaves, tell about it. “When you (meaning me) brought Kelly & Nate to our Greensburg house we would rake the leaves from the maple trees in the front yard. We all took our turn at being covered up by the leaves.”

On this day in 1793 Eli Whitney applied for a patent on the cotton gin, and in 1811 the first known purchase of ‘Sense & Sensibility’ was by the Prince Regent, who was a huge fan! In 1858 Macy & Co opened their first store in NYC – gross receipts were $11.06. And in 1886 the Statue of Liberty was dedicated by President Grover Cleveland, celebrated by the first confetti (ticker tape) parade in New York City (I love confetti – I should have gone!!). In 1934 WHJB was the first radio station to broadcast in Westmoreland County. Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner was born in 1949; Jonas Salk (polio vaccine) in 1914; Julia Roberts, actress, in 1967; Bill Gates (Millionaire Microsoft owner) in 1955. Charlie Daniels – singer, fiddler – was born in 1936, and Brad Paisley, country singer born in Glen Dale WV, in 1972. Abigail Adams, our 2nd First Lady, died at age 73 in 1818 of Typhoid Fever; Porter Wagoner (known as ‘Mr. Grand Ole Opry’) died at age 80 in 2007 – he’s credited with discovering and introducing Dolly Parton in 1967.

TOMORROW October 29 is:
- National Cat Day
- National Oatmeal Day
- National Hermit Day
- World Stroke Day
- National Pharmacy Buyer Day
- National Frankenstein Friday
- National Breadstick Day
Tomorrow is ‘do whatever I want to’ day – nothing scheduled until dinner at Kathy’s after she’s done with work. I want to write and clean and do laundry and who knows what else! Oh, and study my Hanna’s Town history because I’m stationed in the newly added Murry-Beacom textile exhibit interpretive site. Perfect for me, because of my research on Fields of Blue! Stay tuned for more details about those Saturday activities! God Bless…

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