It was a nice morning for a walk around the neighborhood. A few things to do at both stores, then I stopped at Aldi’s and Walmart for groceries. Didn’t need a lot but a few of the items were more than I like to spend, like batteries! Ugh.
After lunch (carrots and pretzels!) I started a load of laundry then cut the grass. Then I dug around in the garage and found my 3 outdoor mats for fall. I forgot about switching out the doormats! The chains kept getting tangled in the commode tank upstairs and would let the water keep filling, so I think I fixed that (not perfect but it will do). Then the screws were loose (no smart comments, please…) on the commode downstairs so I bought new ones and hoping that is fixed, as well. Anyone who knows me well knows that home repairs are not on my radar!

Swept out and washed the car and answered some emails. I was having an email conversation with a friend about always jumping in to ‘suggest’ that people do things. I found this post and sent it to her. It’s both of us!! But now, hopefully I can get the ironing done. Tomorrow will be my cooking day – soup and roasted veggies and boiled eggs for salads… Not a real exciting day but I did get a lot done!

And yesterday (going back a step) I changed the color on my toe nails to a copper fall color. Done!

Memory book – May 28th: Did you play a musical instrument? “I played chords on our piano. I still do, at age 74, but I am not very good. I play the same tune all the time :). ” Mom surprised us when she was staying with Kathy – she would sit at the piano and play the same song over and over. We haven’t heard her play in 30 years or better!

On this day in 1929 J C Penny’s opened a store in Delaware, making it a nationwide company with stores in all 48 states, and in 1975 Saturday Night Live premiered. Eleanor Roosevelt – first lady to FDR – was born in 1884; Henry John Heinz – founder of HJ Heinz – was born in Pittsburgh PA in 1844, and Dottie West – Country Singer – was born in 1932. In 1975 Bill Clinton married Hillary Rodham.

TOMORROW October 12 is:
- National Savings Day
- National Vermont Day
- National Freethought Day
- National Farmer’s Day
- National Gumbo Day
Lots of things to think about tomorrow. And it’s all FREE! 🙂 Have a happy Tuesday – God bless…
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