Another nice morning for a walk. I had several things to do at both stores, but then came straight home. I had a lot of inside work to do! After a salad for lunch, I cleaned and cut up veggies. I put some aside in snack bags for 2 more salads, and the rest I tossed in Olive oil and sea salt, and baked them in the oven.
While they were baking, I made Chrissy her potato soup. Nate picked it up after work. Hope she was excited to get it – she’s been hungry for it.

Once the inside kitchen tasks were done, I went outside and cut back some dead stalks and pulled a bunch of weeds. In the process I snipped a tiny piece of lilac blossoms (there were several more blooming!) and put it inside in a vase. It smells wonderful. Who would have thought I’d have a lilac inside in October. I also saw that my azalea was blooming again, and I had a bright yellow rose and a big red one.

When I walked up front I noticed the way the sun peeked through the clouds above the autumn hillside. Beautiful view.

In the background I am listening to ‘Wedding Every Weekend’, a Hallmark movie starring Kimberly Sustad and Paul Campbell. Two of my favorite actors, and it’s a fun movie.

Memory book – February 8: Tell about someone who had a big influence over your life. “When I was young my grandma Crooks taught me about loving everyone. When I was a young woman our minister, Pastor Cook, taught us how to always read and study the Bible. I still love to read & learn from God’s word. I learn the meaning of Bible “Truths” every time I pick it up to read and study.” Mom indeed read and studied, but more than that she lived what she learned. And others saw God in her.

On this day in 1892 the Pledge of Allegiance was first recited in public schools, and in 1901 Theodore Roosevelt, 26th president, renamed the ‘Executive Mansion’ as the ‘White House.’ In 1915 Ford Motor Company under Henry Ford manufactured their 1 millionth auto. In 1997 John Denver (age 53) was killed in a plane crash, and Walt Chamberlain, Basketball Hall of Famer, died at age 63 in 1999. Robert E Lee, age 63 (commander of the Virginia forces during the Civil war), died in 1870.

Tomorrow October 13 is:
- National Train Your Brain Day
- National Yorkshire Pudding Day
- Navy Birthday
- National Metastatic Breast Cancer Awareness Day
- National No Bra Day
- National Curves Day
- National Emergency Nurse’s Day
- National Bring Your Teddy Bear to Work/School Day
- National Stop Bullying Day
- National Fossil Day
- National Take Your Parents To Lunch Day
There is nothing I would love more than to take my parents to lunch! I’ll take a moment to think about them as I eat my lunch tomorrow. It’s ‘clean the house’ day so I’ll be home all day til Bible Study. God Bless!
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