Another beautiful day! After church Nathan came over and started on the second coat of paint on the shutters. They are finished now and look so good. I love them! There is one coat on the doors and he’ll do a second coat on the next nice day that he doesn’t work.

While he was painting I lugged the totes up from the shed and put away all the summer lawn decorations. I’ll wait to put the furniture away until Nate gets moved and we can put his items at his new house. The yard looks so sad and boring without all the cuteness, but it’s more important to preserve and protect everything. Those things don’t last forever, and at the end of every summer I end up throwing a few destroyed items away. While I was gathering up all the little decorations I noticed that a few unusual things were in bloom, long past their season. My Stela Doro lilies bloomed again, and I even had blossoms on my white lilac bush. THAT is amazing! I gave the mums a good watering, and the one is a very unusual color combination. Before they bloom they look maroon; then they are an orange color once they open up. Very pretty.

Autmn called me to chat about her Halloween costume, and while we were talking I looked up to see the Goodyear Blimp floating above the house! She went out on her porch and could see it from her place, too. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen a blimp go overhead.

Since the program committee at church is working on the Christmas program, they asked for memories and photos of Christmas from the Past. Since I had been in those boxes of photos from the farm, I was able to pull a few out and send them to Shelagh. I guess I was the first one to respond, but I had been thinking about the request since they sent it out. Here is one of the photos I shared: Me, Kathy, and Mom – I was 15, so Kath would have been 11. It was fun looking through photos for a purpose.

Wasn’t my mom pretty?
Memory book – December 6: Do you have any knowledge of how your first name was chosen? “My father always picked our names. I know my middle name, Jane, was his sister’s middle name & he always told me I was given that because of how much he thought of her (Emma Jane Crooks Whitacre).” Kathy, did you know that? I didn’t remember…. So Millie really does have a ‘family’ name!

On this day in 1845 the US Naval Academy opened at Annapolis, and in 1871 the great Chicago fire was finally extinguished: 3 days, 300 dead, 100,000 homeless, $222 million in damages. In 1953 Winky Dink and You debuted on CBS TV as the first interactive TV show. The home audience would draw on their TV screen using a “magic drawing screen,” which was a piece of vinyl plastic that stuck to the television screen via static electricity. So if Winky Dink needed help crossing a river, children at home could draw him a bridge on the TV screen. I remember wanting a kit SO BAD! I think we used Saran Wrap and our own crayons but it wasn’t the same. Tanya Tucker (singer) was born in 1958, and Nora Roberts (novelist) in 1950. Orson Welles (actor/director) died in 1985 at age 70, and in 2004 Christopher Reeve, actor (Superman), died at age 52 from an adverse reaction from an antibiotic. Paul Revere married Rachel Walker in 1773 in Boston, and Elizabeth Taylor married Richard Burton AGAIN (her 6th marriage) in 1975.

TOMORROW October 11 is:
- International Day of the Girl Child
- National Sausage Pizza Day
- National Coming Out Day
- General Pulaski Memorial Day
- National Online Bank Day
- National Kick Butt Day
- Native American Day
- Columbus Day
I’m glad Columbus (???) discovered America. Otherwise, where would I be living? I’m looking forward to this week – only two official commitments (besides work) on my calendar, plus Bible study, and possibly a pop-in at my sisters! It’s a light week! God bless…

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