I took a walk outside this morning. There was a beautiful sunrise – but that meant it would be a nasty day. Which it was – rainy and cold and windy all day.

I started down the street but there was a stray dog in the neighbor’s yard, so I turned and went the other way. I didn’t want any close encounters of a canine kind! I did see a robin hopping around my yard – several, actually. I think they may have missed the bus south a while back. Sure hope they’ve got reservations for the next one – it will be getting mighty cold mighty soon!
I worked both stores this morning, then stopped at my friend Diane’s to pick something up. She had a little Snoopy gift for me. It changes colors and it’s so cute! I will of course leave it out until after Christmas. I have a bobble head that I DO leave out all year. It sits on the window sill and nods at me all day!

I have been checking out dehumidifiers for my basement. I know it won’t solve the problem, but it will help over-all. I did NOT want a GE – but things are pointing that way. I looked at so many online that I feel cross-eyed!

Memory Book – November 18th: How did you choose my name? “Your father knew what he was going to call you the day you were born. Corene was the name of a movie star your father liked. The name suited you & so that is how you got your name. He never wanted anyone to call you Maggie. No one did until the song “I never see Maggie alone.” Bill Aughinbaugh (neighbor on Shady Lane) called me Maggie ALL THE TIME!!!

On this day in 1978 in Jonestown, Guyana, 918 members of the Peoples Temple were murdered or committed suicide under the leadership of cult leader Jim Jones. In 1920 Walt Disney’s ‘Steamboat Willie’ was released, the first Mickey Mouse sound cartoon. In 1989 Pennsylvania is first to restrict abortions after US Supreme Court gave states the right to do so. In 1997 Metallica released the album “ReLoad”. (This one’s for you, Nate-Dogg!) In 1948 KFC founder Colonel Sanders (58) wed his long-time employee Claudia Price. In 2000 Catherine Zeta-Jones married Michael Douglas, and in 2006 Tom Cruise married Katie Holmes. In 1886 Chester A Arthur, 21st President, died at age 57. Alan Shepard, astronaut, was born in 1923.

TOMORROW November 19 is:
Tomorrow, for me, will include Diet Pepsi, and it will have Caffeine. I won’t play monopoly, but I will play ‘beat the crowds’ and try to get all that I need for Thanksgiving day’s meals! Have a great weekend. God bless…
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