I tried to keep my promise of being more exciting today – but it didn’t work. Sorry. I started – after breakfast – by calling the dentist for an appointment. Another loose crown; they will call me back with an opening. Then I emailed a friend who flips houses to get recommendations on a contractor to look at my basement issue. Just to see what they say. I also took time to message another friend – who is an electrician – to see about having 2 additional outlets put in my basement on a separate breaker. I keep tripping the breaker. I forget about the heater being on and try to sweep or iron. Separate outlets will help in that regard. He agreed. I also want to run electric to my outside shed. So we’ll see how difficult that will be. He says ‘simple’! A lot going on.
I cleaned the house, did a load of laundry, and cleaned up all the leaves in the front/back yards. That should be that last of them; the trees are bare.
Also paid a couple of bills. That is never fun…
Went to Bible study. Tonight we were learning about the fall of Lucifer. It was very interesting, and raises some interesting concepts. I should write down my questions so I don’t forget to ask God about the answers when I get there!

Had a tuna salad sandwich for supper, and that’s my day. The moon is bright even though the full moon isn’t until tomorrow.

Memory book – November 17th: Tell about the day I was born. “It was a Sunday. Father’s Day 1950. We were having a thunder storm. Couldn’t get Doctor Blackburn on the phone. We drove to his office & read the note that said to call Dr. Thomas or go to the hospital. We went to the hospital where they told us Dr. Blackburn had broke his arm. Dr. Thomas was the doctor you had.” Funny that I don’t remember that. (hahaha)

On this day in 1997 Mario Lemieux entered the NHL Hall of Fame; in 2003 Britney Spears was the youngest singer (21) to get a star on Hollywood’s Walk of Fame. In 2004 K Mart Corp bought Sears, Roebuck, and Co. and named it Sears Holdings Corp. In 1869 the Suez canal opened, and the NRA was founded in 1871. Toto, the dog from the Wizard of Oz, was born in 1933; Rock Hudson, actor, (Pillow Talk) in 1925. Lyndon B Johnson married Claudia Taylor in 1934. Blake Shelton married Kaynette Williams in 2003.

TOMORROW November 18 is:
- National Princess Day
- National Vichyssoise Day
- Mickey Mouse Birthday
- World Pancreatic Cancer Day
- Great American Smokeout
- National Rural Health Day
Mickey Mouse’s birthday is worth celebrating! And so is being a Princess. Celebrate! I have to work in the morning, then I’m not certain. But have a great day! God bless….
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