Back to work! I took an early walk around the block. I noticed that my neighbor behind me has his yard and house all decorated for Christmas, complete with the Christmas tree decorated in the front picture window, pine garlands around the porch railing and windows, and several lawn ornaments. It looks very festive – but I’m not ready for that quite yet. I moved the bags of leaves to the curb, as my leaf pickup is tomorrow at 6am. There were tons of leaves in the yard and on the driveway. Might be a task for tomorrow if it doesn’t rain…

There was a fair amount of work to catch up on, since I was out all week. Glad to have everything back in order. I stopped and picked up a few groceries on the way home, and got a few for Kathy and Paul, as well. I barely had time to grab something for lunch and had to pick up Chrissy for football. From there we went over to the Grandview Fire Hall, where Jen was setting up for the Ninth Life flea market that is tomorrow and Sunday 9-4. You cannot believe how much they have there. I bought a little package of note cards, 2 purple soup bowls, and a beautiful lantern. I couldn’t believe it was marked for $1. I scarfed it right up and brought it home and scrubbed it. Very excited.

I changed the batteries in the lights on the tea tray in the living room. It looks so quaint and appealing. I love that little tea set! Thanks, Aunt Darlene! And the tray was from Gen, several years ago. Today’s Snoopy is SO RIGHT!!!

Scheduled my COVID booster for next week… Also rescheduled our Hanna’s Town kitchen organization for next week, as well. The week is filling up.

My niece Sarah had her baby last night – Wyatt Adam! He is an adorable little guy – and Sarah looks like she didn’t lift a finger! So happy for the family. So much love and blessings abound.

Memory book – November 12th: Tell about where you lived when first married. “We lived in a front apartment on Pittsburgh Avenue for 1 month. We moved to a 1 room apartment in Wagaman’s big Farm House.” (That was in Youngwood, PA.)

On this day in 1880 the best selling novel ‘Ben Hur: a Tale of the Christ’ was published; in 1890 ‘Poems of Emily Dickinson’ was published. In 1966 Buzz Aldrin took the first ‘space selfie’; in 2018 former first lady Michelle Obama’s memoir ‘Becoming’ was published. In 2019 Disney launched Disney+, and in 1954 Ellis Island closed. Charles Manson was born in 1934; Brian Hyland, singer, (Itsy Bitsy Teeny Weeny Yellow Polka-Dot Bikini, and The Joker Went Wild — both my favorites!) was born in 1943; Grace Kelly, actress and the Princess of Monaco, was born in 1929, and Neil Young, singer, was born in 1945.

TOMORROW November 13 is:
Please please go out of your way to be kind to someone. We don’t really need a national ‘day’ to do that; we should do it every day. But certainly do it tomorrow! God bless…
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