Veteran’s Day. A beautiful day to be thankful! There are lots of people in my family that served, and I’ll name a few here: My Dad, Cliff Steiner. My uncle, Sid Steiner. My uncle, Jim Crooks. My uncle, Gene Cornman. My grandfather, Jess Crooks. My step-brother, Dick Graves. My step nephew, Daniel Graves. My cousin John Steiner. Also, my cousin Beth’s son-in-law Daniel Sandoval, and my cousin Gail’s grandson Andrew Patterson. Daniel Crouch – check out LETTERS TO MARY to find out his story. Friends, family, neighbors – even strangers – helped to shape this country and keep is safe. Thank you, every one!

Again, thanks to all who have served and are serving. God bless you all!
I started the day with an outside walk – and Dottie was sweeping her flower bed with a whisk broom. It’s really important that the stones maintain their integrity… But it was a nice morning for a walk. The neighbor across the street is getting a new roof – had a nice chat with the contractor about the benefits of a metal roof over traditional shingles. I’m not quite ready for a roof yet, but it (unfortunately) won’t be too long!

I spent the morning blowing and raking leaves. I have quite a stack of bags for Saturday’s pick up. I cut the grass when I finished leaves, but I wasn’t inside 10 minutes when the wind picked up and it barely looked like I had raked or mowed at all. Alas. That would be fall!

The other day I explained about cancelling my order for a paper towel holder through LTD, and reordered through Amazon. It came today, easy to assemble, and it looks wonderful on my sink. Matches my scrubee holder perfectly!

Finally got the OK to re-enter the real world! PCP verified that if I had no symptoms after 6 days I could go out, wearing a mask around people who may be compromised health-wise. So I will return to work tomorrow, happily!

Memory book – November 11th: Do you have an Armistice Day memory? “At school we would all bow our heads at 11 minutes after 11 on the 11th day of the 11th month and remember that day the armistice was signed to end the war.” I wish schools and work places would do that now! We’ve gotten away for paying honor.

On this day in 1921 President Warren G Harding dedicated the tomb of the Unknown Soldier at Arlington Cemetery; in 1939 Kate Smith first sang Irvin Berlin’s ‘God Bless America.’ In 1982 the Vietnam Memorial was dedicated; in 1620 the Mayflower landed at Cape Cod and the Pilgrims wrote and signed the Mayflower Compact. In 1889 Washington became the 42nd state (first state to be named after a native-born American). Typhoid Mary died in 1938; and in 1858 the 20th President James Garfield married Lucretia Rudolph. George S Patton was born in 1885; Leonardo DiCaprio, actor, in 1974, and my ‘violet’ cousin Deb’s daughter Emily is celebrating a birthday today. Happy birthday Emily!

TOMORROW November 12 is:
- National French Dip Day
- National Pizza with the Works Except Anchovies Day
- National Chicken Soup for the Soul Day
I am excited to go back to work tomorrow, and to also hear the news of my niece Sarah, who will be ‘birthing a baby’! Praying for both Sarah and her baby Wyatt – plus daddy Kyle and big sister Millie! God bless!

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