Traded a chilly outside walk for a warmer treadmill. Did some laundry, mixed up scones for tomorrow’s breakfast, and then had a Chick Fil-A sandwich for lunch. Yum. I spent part of the morning on the phone getting information for our upcoming vacation – Charleston and Savannah! I used to be a pro at arranging vacation plans – when it was Williamsburg or Boston or Philly. Somehow the ‘south’ seems more challenging! But we’re getting it put together slowly but surely!

The day waffled between clouds and rain and sun. The rain just quit and the sun is out – but too wet to work in the gardens and to chilly for anything else. The combination of rain and sun seems to be helping the new grass grow. So that’s a good thing!

I will share Greg’s message from Vanderbilt. Psalm 23 and the Great Commission. After teaching all day, Jesus told them to get into the boat and GO TO THE OTHER SIDE OF THE SEA OF GALILEE. A storm came up and everyone but Jesus panicked. He calms the storm then asked them where their faith was. He SAID they were going to the other side. Jesus calmed the storm and it was completely still. The Holy Spirit calms us in a furious storm. The disciples did not HEAR what Jesus said nor did they trust His words. They were afraid. Christianity is not a religion. It’s a relationship. We are to Go, Teach, Baptize, Teach. Work for the kingdom, and fear nothing. He is with us. As we GO, Christ will speak through us. He doesn’t ask us to go without him. We are never alone. Go catch some FISH for His kingdom!

On this day in 1718 the city of New Orleans was founded, and in 1789 the first US Presidential inaugural ball was held for George Washington in NYC. The first printed copies of “Poems” by Emily, Charlotte, and Anne Bronte were in 1846 – sold 2 copies. Letters To Mary did better than THAT!! In 1915 the RMS Lusitania was sunk by a German Submarine; 1198 lives lost. Alfred Vanderbilt gave his life to help save many, many children and women that day; he worked until the very end when it was too late. Glenn Miller recorded Chattanooga Choo Choo in 1941, and it became the first record to be designated as gold. In 1966 the Mamas and Papas record “Monday, Monday” because #1, and in 1970 ‘Long & Winding Road’ was the Beatles’ last American release. Birthdays: Robert Browning, poet, in 1812; Johannes Brahms (Braham’s Lullaby) in 1933, Gary Cooper, actor, in 1901, and Johnny Unitas, NFL Quarterback, in 1933. Again, Alfred Vanderbilt died in 1915 on the Lusitania at age 37.

TOMORROW May 8th is:
- National Coconut Cream Pie Day
- National Have A Coke Day
- National Student Nurse Day
- National Birth Mother’s Day
- National Babysitter’s Day
- National Dog Mom’s Day
- National Train Day
- National Archery Day
- National Miniature Golf Day
- Cornelia De Lange Syndrome Awareness Day
- Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive Day
A lot going on again tomorrow. I know I have a wedding to attend – at a Stable! (Professional even center) I’ll be sure to fill you in tomorrow! God bless.

** I’ll leave you with this: Every day is another chance to change your life. (Change it for the good!)
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