Took a longer walk this morning in the sunshine. After breakfast I went down to L&L Fleatique just to browse. I ended up buying two little silver trees that I have been eyeing for MONTHS. They look nice with my deer. I stopped at Walmart for the rest of my groceries, but of course they didn’t have a few things that I wanted.

Autmn called and needed a ride to work – so I drove her down and they fed me tacos! They were very good – and so filling! I ate two and I’m done eating for the day – and that was at 3pm! Excellent – I recommend it!

I stopped at Lowe’s to get ground cover, but wasn’t happy with their offerings. But I did find a tray of all different ones, so that will do nicely. I chose that over the hanging basket. Had a little issue I had to solve, so it was later in the evening that I finally got my mulch. All ready for tomorrow’s yard work.

A funny thing happened (Really. It did!) last night when I was at Walmart with Kelly. I had to use the restroom, and when I was in there I heard a mom talking to her young child, who was pretty much wailing – she was saying not to cry, it happens all the time, everyone loses teeth, etc. When I was washing my hands the mom looked at me and said, “He lost his first tooth, and he’s not happy. He wants it put back in!” I grabbed a dollar out of my purse and handed it to the little guy. “I saw the tooth fairy last week, and he said if I came across anyone who has lost their first tooth that I should give it to them!” The little boy continued to wail but clutched the dollar. I think once he gets over his distress he won’t have any trouble spending the money. He mom just grinned and thanked me! I think he’ll be fine.

I will share Jim’s message from First Pres, Inverness FL – Don’t worry. Happiness is based on what happens around you. Joy is based on your inner feelings. Jesus had a lot to say – can we live up to his instructions? We shouldn’t worry about future, clothes, food – God knows already what we need. We can’t change the past even with lots of anxiety. Take one day at a time. Peace will surround you. Sometimes stress can be a positive thing – have faith that Jesus will be there. Our life is in God’s hands – seek first God’s kingdom, and don’t worry!

On this day in 1643 Louis XIV became King of France at age 4, and in 1787 delegates gathered in Philadelphia to draw up US constitution. In 1804 Lewis & Clark’s expedition (commissioned by Thomas Jefferson) set out from St. Louis, and in 1874 the first admission was charged at a football game: Harvard (3) over Montreal (0). The first passenger airplane flight was in 1908, and in 1998 Seinfeld’s ‘Finale’ aired – $2M for a 30 second commercial! Bobby Darin was born in 1936 and George Lucas, film director (Star Wars) was born in 1944. Henry John Heinz (57 Varieties!) died at age 74; in 1919, Billie Burke (good witch on the Wizard of Oz) died at age 85 in 1970, and Frank Sinatra at age 82 in 1998. Blake Shelton married Miranda Lambert (short marriage!) in 2011.

TOMORROW May 15th is:
- Peace Officers Memorial Day
- National Chocolate Chip Day ** I’ll have a chocolate chip scone!
- National Nylon Stocking Day
- National Armed Forces Day
- National Learn to Swim Day
Tomorrow’s plans include spreading mulch in the front and planting flowers. I bought a small bag of top soil to help the little guys grow better! It’s to be a beautiful day tomorrow. Enjoy. God bless.
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