June 6, 2021

Very warm today, but a nice breeze. After church, Mary and I had our now-every-week-breakfast together (it’s better every time!), then I picked up Autmn, Josie, Chrissy, and their friend Riley. We did a quick snack-stop at Dollar General, then I dropped them off at Park N Pool in Youngwood. Perfect day to be in the water, with two bags full of snacks and a soft cooler filled with water and ice! I’m sure they will have a great time!

Chrissy, Riley, Autmn, Josie – ready to swim!

I did a flower walk around my yard, just checking on the gardens. I remember every time we went to Mom’s we would walk her yard, looking at all the flowers and bushes, often taking little shoots to plant in our own gardens. I had discovered that a melon-colored rose bush that my neighbor was planting had lost a branch – and with her permission I brought it home to nurture and coax into blooming. It did! I’m hoping to plant it to see if it will grow for me! Grama Crooks said it could be done – so I’m doing it!

A rose by any other name – will it grow?

I will share Kyle’s message from Hempfield today – still in James, continuation of Wisdom: Godly wisdom. World’s wisdom ends in quarrels and fights. We should seek God’s wisdom, and we will receive it if we ask for the right reasons. We don’t always get it right. The world won’t let go of us sometimes, and we are in conflict to do the right thing. We plow forward doing whatever we want, regardless of the damage we leave behind. Remember that friendship with the world is enmity with God – we cannot serve two masters: Will it be YOU or GOD? If we try to do both, we commit adultery against God. But God chooses us – we are his child. He LIKES US! We can humble ourselves and submit to God – let God work through us. Keep him on the throne so others see Him in us.

Kyle – Hempfield Church

Today is D-Day – a time to reflect on World War II, and how so many brave men and women went forward to fight for our freedom. For the freedom of countless people in dozens of countries, and even for those yet to be born. How grateful we are for these people and all they gave.

May be an image of one or more people and text that says 'D-DAY JUNE 6, 1944 "You are about to embark upon the Great Crusade, toward which we have striven these many months. The eyes of the world are upon you." Dwight D. Eisenhower'
May be an image of outdoors, monument and text
May be an illustration
May be an image of body of water and text that says '"They shall grow not old As we that are left Age shall them nor gw old. years condemn At not m going down of the sun And in the morning." We Will Remember Them D-Day 6 June 1944 imgflip.com'
May be an image of body of water and text that says 'WHEN YOU GO HOME TELL THEM OF US AND SAY FOR YOUR TOMORROW WE GAVE OUR TODAY D-DAY 6TH 6THJUNE'
No other words needed.

On this day in 1716 the French transported the first African slaves to Louisiana, and in 1844 the YMCA was formed by George Williams in London. The Electric iron was patented in 1882 (That’s my next chore: IRONING!!!), and in 1925 Walter Chrysler founded the Chrysler Corporation (Automobiles, of course!). The first drive-in theater opened in New Jersey in 1933; D Day was June 6, 1944 – the 82nd Airborne and 156, 000 Allied force landed in Normandy France. In 1946 Henry Morgan was the first person to take his shirt off on TV (Wow – how far we’ve come! Good or bad??), and in 1983 Betty White was the first woman to win Outstanding Game Show Host. Patrick Henry (Give me liberty or give me death!) died at age 63 in 1799, Robert Kennedy (42) died in 1968 from an assassin’s attack, J Paul Getty (billionaire – Getty Oil) in 1976 at age 83, and swimmer Esther Williams at age 91 in 2013. In 1967 John Denver married Annie Martell (Annie’s Song). Nathan Hale (I only regret that I have but one life to give for my country) was born in 1755; my friends Sharon Cowan and Jennifer Forrest (both writers!) are sharing a birthday today. Happy birthday, ladies! Have a great day and a fantastic year!!!

Founder of the YMCA George Williams
WMCA founder George Williams
Into the Jaws of Death by Robert F. Sargent
US Patriot and Soldier Nathan Hale
Nathan Hale
American Revolutionary and Founding Father Patrick Henry
Patrick Henry
May be an image of 2 people, including Sharon Cowen, people standing and outdoors
Sharon and her husband at their new house!
Jennifer (center) celebrating!

TOMORROW June 7 is:

I’m all for the ice cream! Especially when it’s so hot! Enjoy a fresh, brand-new week, with no mistakes in it! Walk humbly with the Lord – depend on Him! God bless —

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