June 5, 2021

For being a stay-at-home day I didn’t stay at home! Well, I did until afternoon. I got up to normal Saturday chores – changing bed sheets and doing laundry. Had breakfast then went outside ‘before it got too hot.’ NOT! It was already hot! But I pushed on and got the entire yard weed whacked, blown clean, and pulled weeds for an hour on the hill. I was ready to come in and get a shower.

Di called and had some shirts and shorts for the girls – so I decided to go get them from her on my way for groceries. Before I could leave Diane’s, Chrissy txt me about taking her and Josie for swim suits – which we did. After I deposited them at home I grabbed my shopping list and did finally end up getting groceries. Had to get printer ink – why is it so expensive! Yucky-ducky! But the fun thing was that Di had given me two jars for candles – Snoopy and Charlie Brown – I was very excited! Such a thoughtful thing to share!

Mason jar candles – Thanks Di!

Kath and Paul are in TN with their family – and spent the day in the Smokies. They did some hiking and sight-seeing, and even saw a momma bear and three cubs! I’m so glad they are having a good time – we’ve had a lot on our plates lately….

Momma and three cubs
May be an image of 3 people, including Hannah Gump, people standing, mountain and nature
Paul, Kath, Hattie, Edy, Dan, Hannah, Rosie

I will share Greg’s message from Vanderbilt – Psalm 119- focuses on the Hebrew alphabet. The theme is the Word of God, who is the God of order. We will be studying Psalm 119 over the next few weeks. Overview for today: We attempt to obey the law; we have a desire from within to obey. God claims us as we follow Him. We are formed by the WORD, not the WORLD. God blesses us if we follow His decrees. Verses 1-8 are ALEPH, or BLESSING – some of His blessings are: Wisdom, health, counsel, peace, joy, knowledge, charity, respect for God, relationships. On this memorial day, we acknowledge our memorial: Communion, where we receive our freedom.

Greg from Vanderbilt

On this day in 1846 the first telegraph line opened between Philadelphia and Baltimore. In 1937 Henry Ford initiated a 32 hour work week, and in 1940 the Battle of France began World War II; In 1968 Robert F Kennedy was shot three times (dies the next day). O. Henry – short story writer – died at age 47 in 1910, and Ronald Reagan – 40th President – died ag age 93 in 2004.

Getting ready for the telegraph line
Battle of France WWII

TOMORROW June 6 is:

D-Day is the day (June 6, 1944) in World War II on which Allied forces invaded northern France by means of beach landings in Normandy. We’ll talk about that tomorrow! Have a great day in the house of the Lord! God bless.

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