Dillweed Pick-A-Dilly Herb Faire! Kathy and I met our Skunk Hollow Cousin Karen V there at 9:15. We were both wondering why we were so determined to keep our schedule going at such a pace; the events of the last few weeks, including the funeral, left us drained. Emotionally and physically. But the event sounded so FUN and we were so excited to spend time with Karen that we sallied forth!

And it was an amazing morning! There were flowers and herbs and craft booths and people and food venders and people and more venders. And the prices – especially for the plants – were very reasonable. We were tempted by the handmade soaps, specialty teas, handmade windchimes, dog treats and shampoos, garden art, salves and creams, jewelry – all delightful. We had a very early lunch – Karen and Kath had Pesto Pizza and Apple Mint Julep, and I had a chicken salad croissant and water. Both very yummy. The day was sunny and warm but very comfortable – with clouds now and then. We took a picture on the way home of the distant mountains but didn’t do it justice.

My favorite thing was the booth that was called Spoonful of Heritage – Jewelry and Unique Gifts. She did make jewelry out of spoons and it was beautiful, but she also made necklaces, rings, and bracelets out of old fashioned typewriter keys. It’s worth checking out. Unique is the right word! I talked to Franki and I plan to order one from her – I wanted the ‘back space’ key but she only had it in yellow and I preferred black. I may even get a bracelet rather than the necklace. They were just perfect for me! Can’t wait to see what we come up with.

After we got back, I stopped at the house, checked on Rainy (Gen was at a reunion), and then went to the Mall. I was looking for comfortable shoes for vacation. I found a pair of support sandals that I hope will be just perfect! I plan to wear them all week so they are comfy for vacation. I cleaned the painting Kelly wanted from the cabin and then washed the car. Gen and I had sliders and broccoli salad for supper, walked the dog, planted a rose cutting, and now — Word Garden!

Martin’s Ferry had a quest speaker, and he talked about relationships and the Trinity. The trinity is amazing and mysterious but also practical and helpful. Relationships are actually the theme of the whole Bible – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. In trying to reach those who need God, don’t use CHURCH terms – they don’t really understand them. Use love, and talk about relationships. We are made for relationships, which are God-given because we are made in His image. We need to keep God in our relationship with Him and with others. Worship God as who He is, not who we THINK He is. Our relationships are broken because of sin – we miss the mark of God’s holiness. We need to reconcile with God and each other through Christ; He is the answer to restore relationships. The pattern is this: Generate life – beautiful relationship! Then degenerate – Satan destroys them. Regenerate through Jesus. There is one God – but He is 3 persons – and exactly what we need for our relationship with Him and each other.
On this day in 1776 Virginia adopted the Declaration of Rights, and in 1908 the Lusitania crossed the Atlantic in a record 4 days/15 hours. In 1923 Houdini freed himself from a straight jacket while suspended upside down; in 1942 Anne Frank got a diary as a birthday gift, and in 1965 Sonny & Cher first appeared on a TV show (American bandstand). George H W Bush (41st president) was born in 1924; Anne Frank in 1929, and Jim Nabors (Gomer Pyle) in 1930. Gregory Peck died at age 87 in 2003.

TOMORROW June 13 is:
- National Kitchen Klutzes of America Day
- Random Acts of Light Day
- National Weed Your Garden Day
- National Sewing Machine Day
- National Children’s Day
For me weed your garden day is every day! I love playing in the dirt! Have a lovely day, but it looks like there are storms in the picture so be wise! God bless…
I enjoyed meeting, and speaking with to you! See you soon!
I enjoyed meeting you too – and I’m excited about getting a bracelet or necklace. Hoping we can discuss that! 🙂 Sorry it took so long to respond. I was away. 🙂