July 8, 2021

I took a short walk in a light drizzle this morning, but it felt good to be out and in the fresh air. It rained harder when I was at work, but that didn’t last long. I stopped at the church after work and picked up the Sunday School material for this week’s lesson. I never gave it a thought that our classrooms had been ignored for almost a year and a half – and it needed quite a bit of sprucing up. Didn’t take too long, and now it’s organized and wiped up and ready for the kiddos on Sunday morning!

Ready for Sunday School kids!

After lunch I changed and went outside in the gardens. It had quit raining entirely and the sun was shining. I cleaned up the front flower beds and trimmed plants and shrubs on each side of the walk. Then I tackled the hill. It was a little out of control. I’m much more pleased with it now and can enjoy a few days off, I think!

Hill – before
Hill – after
Hill before
Hill after

Since I haven’t listened to any sermons yet today, I will share two quotes out of my Garden of Faith devotional. 1) It’s incredible to realize that what we do each day has meaning in the big picture of God’s plan – Bill Hybels 2) Whether you have twenty years left, ten years, one year, one month, one day, or just one hour, there is something very important God wants you to do that can add to His kingdom and your blessing – Bill Bright. Lord, You’ve got something You want me to do – help me to figure out exactly what it is!

Devotional courtesy of Kelly’s friend Tammy!

On this day in 1776 Colonel John Nixon gave the first public reading of the Declaration of Independence to citizens of Philadelphia; in 1796 the US State Department issued the first passport – wonder what THOSE passport photos looked like??? And in 1835 the Liberty Bell cracked again. Betty Ford – first lady – died in 2011 at age 93. John Pemberton – inventor of Coca-Cola – was born in 1831; Ferdinand von Zeppelin – founder of the Zeppelin Airship Company – was born in 1838; John D Rockefeller – founder of Standard Oil – was born in 1839, and Toby Keith – country artist – was born in 1961. And I have four friend birthdays today! First, Lisa Carter Siders – John’s niece (who was very close to Mom) is celebrating today. Mom’s friend from her church and neighborhood Marcella Mooney has a birthday today. George Gretz – who is my high school friend Debby Gretz’s husband – is celebrating today – and my Skunk Hollow Cousin Beth’s wonderful husband Harold has a birthday. Happy, happy birthday Harold! And have a wonderful year, Lisa and Marcella and George – and Harold!

The Liberty Bell on its ornate stand, 1872
Cracked Liberty Bell
Country Singer and Actor Toby Keith
Toby Keith
May be an image of 2 people, including Lisa Carter Siders and tree
Lisa and her husband Zac
May be an image of 3 people, including Marcella Mooney and people smiling
Marcella with her daughter (on left) Julie
May be an image of 2 people, including Debby Gretz and people smiling
George and his wife Debby
May be an image of 2 people, including Beth Swan, nature and tree
Harold with his wife (my sweet cousin) Beth

TOMORROW July 9th is:

I don’t collect cars. I just drive ’em! I may come across a sugar cookie – but probably not. More likely a chocolate chip one! But either way – have a great Friday and a terrific weekend! God bless…

The Best Sugar Cookie Recipe Ever | Lauren's Latest
Um…. no
Best Bakery Style Chocolate Chip Cookies Recipe - Handle the Heat
Um… YES!!!
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