July 7, 2021

I spent my first waking hour propped up in bed with Liz Bromke’s newest ARC release: The House Around the Corner. I cannot put her books down once I start reading them. Each series gets better and better! I finally got up and showered, had breakfast, and then finished the book. I sent her a quick review and I was the first one to report in! I feel so blessed and honored to be one of her ARC readers. (Advanced Reader Copy – before it’s released for sale).

The House Around the Corner: A Harbor Hills Novel
LOVED this book! Highly recommend….

Here is the review I wrote, and it will be posted on B&N and Amazon once the book goes live:

Elizabeth Bromke’s THE HOUSE AROUND THE CORNER catches you with the first paragraph – clouds being pillows of sailing cottage cheese.  Wonderful.  The illusive narrator in the prologue pulls you in immediately, and she’s in your mind through the entire book.  The characters are strong, realistic, emotional every-day women, making their way through a life they seldom have full control over.  Their struggles are real, yet so are their delights and accomplishments.  It’s amazing to me that our author can weave these individual stories together and yet keep the lives separate; that she can go from chapter to chapter, woman to woman, taking each of their stories on its own path yet entwining them.  And in the last pages, you are rewarded with an amazing resolution – but yet, is it really resolved?  Who is the illusive narrator, and how does she fit into Harbor Hills?  I cannot WAIT for THE HOUSE THAT CHRISTMAS MADE!

The House That Christmas Made: A Harbor Hills Novel
Up Next!! Can’t wait!!!

I went out to sit on my park bench beside the back door, reflecting on the book and trying to sort out what might possibly happen in the final one. I heard the gate in the fence rattle and a fat little rabbit slunk through, sitting almost beside me, and started munching grass. He didn’t seem at all bothered by my presence. I think it’s Herb’s grandson….

Herb the rabbit – right beside me!

My friend Diane stopped by after lunch with a ‘surprise’ – I said it was ok as long as it wasn’t a puppy and she laughed. When she got here I saw why. It was a vase with a flower that opened up when you pushed the button on the back, but it did have a Snoopy puppy on the front! Push the button again, and the flower closes. The inside of the flower (with a tiny butterfly) says ‘Consider yourself hugged.’ What a cute, heartfelt gift from a good friend!

Flower closed
Blossoms opened!

I spent the rest of the day cleaning the house, as is typical for a Wednesday. Had several quick txts from Ron – the storm was downgraded and they missed the main surge. Beverly Hills (FL) will still get some rain but nothing like predicted. They dodged a bullet this time!

Open Photo
Rainy neighborhood – looking out Ron’s window

I will share Micah’s message from Old Mahoning: Land of the Free; Home of the Brave. We should focus on the pluses in our life, not the minuses. Freedom doesn’t depend on where you live. You need to be in the family of God to be free. If you are in Christ you are Free Indeed. Stand for the truth; You can’t be free on your own terms. Delight in the Lord and he’ll give you the desires of your hear. Dwell in His land and feed on his faithfulness. Don’t lose faith in God because of temporary setbacks. Go beyond circumstances, and cling to contentment, confidence, and comfort. You can be both Free and Brave: not because of who WE are, but because of who HE is!

July 4th – Old Mahoning – Freedom!

On this day in 1456 a retrial verdict acquitted Joan Of Arc of heresy 25 years after her death. A lot of good THAT did her! In 1863 Lincoln’s assassins were executed for their role in the conspiracy to assassinate him. In 1930 construction began on the Boulder (Hoover) Dam, and in 1958 Eisenhower signed the bill approving Alaskan statehood. Ringo Starr (Beatles singer/song-writer) was born in 1940. Henri Nestle (found of Nestle Chocolate Company) died in 1890 at age 75; Johanna Spyri in 1901 at age 74 (she wrote HEIDI, and was the most influential writer/book to my love of reading, writing, and Switzerland in my life!). Arthur Conan Doyle (wrote Sherlock Holmes) died in 1930 at age 71, and in 1946 our 39th President Jimmy Carter married Rosalynn Smith. That’s a really neat love story – check it out!

Mary Surratt, Lewis Powell, David Herold, and George Atzerodt are hanged for their part in the assassination of Abraham Lincoln
Lincoln’s Assassins
The Secret to Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter's Nearly 70-Year Marriage |  SuperSoul Sunday | OWN - YouTube
Rosalynn & Jimmy Carter
Vintage Hardback Heidi Book by Johanna Spyri, 1955, Fair Condition | eBay
I still have this book! Publication date 1955; I have Heidi Grows Up and Heidi’s Children, too!

TOMORROW July 8th is:

My mom LOVED freezer pops – any color, any time! And I think I can manage Chocolate with Almonds tomorrow. Have a lovely Thursday – God bless!

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