I had a waffle for breakfast then got to cleaning upstairs. I just finished about 10 minutes before Paul dropped Kathy off. She looked through the bags and boxes I had so she knew what all I was sending to their church sale. I helped carry the stuff out when Paul got back from his appointment.

Kath and I had a nice visit – fun chatting and watching a HGTV fixer-upper show. It always seems like I think of so many other things to say after she leaves! But then I finished cleaning and did some laundry. I will have a little bowl of my soup after I finish this post.

The sky had some beautiful pink and yellow clouds this afternoon! And the sky was so bright. But that’s the extent of my day, so more tomorrow.

Scripture of the Day:

TOMORROW January 30th is:
NASA’s Day of Remembrance; National Croissant Day; National Draw a Dinosaur Day; National Escape day; Yodel for your Neighbors Day; National Storytelling Week.
I’ll escape if it can be a vacation! No yodeling. But I’m pretty fair at telling stories! God bless…
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