It was warmer today and the snow is melting off – still slowly. The little patch of sun that peeked through the clouds this morning was beautiful. I just had to work a bit to see it! I started at Pinnacle and there were a few issues to work on and clean up. I did take Sir Regis a few scones just to give him something fun to do! Then I went to Harrison City to notarize a document for one of the residents at Mary’s work. The couple was very nice, and so was their little dog Harley!

I had soup for lunch when I got home, then started on more drawers and cupboards. I found (although they weren’t actually lost) my two charm bracelets and my class ring. I seldom wear them, but two of the charms had come off so I was able to refasten them.

Ring in the center – then graduation cap, golf bag (Stoney golfed), Ladder of success (questionable…), Bridesmaid, Christmas bells, National Honor Society symbol, Love letter, horse (we had horses), another bridesmaid, pot belly stove (cabin).

Baby shoes, Colonial Williamsburg, Star, IMAGINE, Snoopy, Lantern, sunhat, Owl, Cabin, Amish buggy (Smicksburg, Snoopy, Key (to my heart???), my first heart locket.
I sorted out the storage drawers and put folders in two drawers (I got rid of more than I kept!). I also put my colored copy paper in one drawer, my research info in another drawer, and copies of my short stories and writing prompts in another drawer. I found some old poetry and essays that were from High School and before! Anyone out there remember the song that I wrote? ‘Roger Doll’? Ha! And the Tazz stories and the Skunk Hollow essays and so many others! I still have a few bins in the garage that I need to sort through. Nothing out there will need tossed, just made a little neater! Including my Civil War research!

Short post today because I do have some other things to do. I DID get the ironing done last night – so yea for that. The pile to be donated is getting bigger!

SCRIPTURE of the Day:


TOMORROW January 29th is:
National Puzzle Day; Seeing Eye Guide Dog Anniversary; Chinese New Year; Curmudgeons day; Free Thinkers Day; National Carnation Day; National Corn Chip Day.
Can’t go wrong with corn chips. I don’t have the patience for puzzles! I’m glad that thinking is still free. God bless…
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