It was warmer today and the snow is melting off – still slowly. The little patch of sun that peeked through the clouds this morning was beautiful. I just had to work a bit to see it! I started at Pinnacle and there were a few issues to work on and clean up. I did take Sir Regis a few scones just to give him something fun to do! Then I went to Harrison City to notarize a document for one of the residents at Mary’s work. The couple was very nice, and so was their little dog Harley!
I had soup for lunch when I got home, then started on more drawers and cupboards. I found (although they weren’t actually lost) my two charm bracelets and my class ring. I seldom wear them, but two of the charms had come off so I was able to refasten them.
I sorted out the storage drawers and put folders in two drawers (I got rid of more than I kept!). I also put my colored copy paper in one drawer, my research info in another drawer, and copies of my short stories and writing prompts in another drawer. I found some old poetry and essays that were from High School and before! Anyone out there remember the song that I wrote? ‘Roger Doll’? Ha! And the Tazz stories and the Skunk Hollow essays and so many others! I still have a few bins in the garage that I need to sort through. Nothing out there will need tossed, just made a little neater! Including my Civil War research!
Short post today because I do have some other things to do. I DID get the ironing done last night – so yea for that. The pile to be donated is getting bigger!
SCRIPTURE of the Day:
TOMORROW January 29th is:
National Puzzle Day; Seeing Eye Guide Dog Anniversary; Chinese New Year; Curmudgeons day; Free Thinkers Day; National Carnation Day; National Corn Chip Day.
Can’t go wrong with corn chips. I don’t have the patience for puzzles! I’m glad that thinking is still free. God bless…
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