I love flag day, and knowing about it and respecting it and honoring the flag and our country, for which it stands. So today I will do that!

On June 14, 1777 the Second Continental Congress passed a flag resolution stating: Resolved, that the flag of the United States be thirteen stripes, alternate red and white; that the union be thirteen stars, white in a blue field, representing a new Constellation. The first national observance of Flag Day was on June 14 1877, 100 years after the flag resolution was adopted by the Continental Congress. In the late 19th century, school teachers all over the United States began conducting patriotic ceremonies commemorating Flag Day as a way to teach children about history. One such teacher, Bernard J Cigrand, is often referred to as the “Father of Flag Day.” He (as well as the Colonial Dames and the Sons of the American Revolution) lobbied Congress for many years for Flag Day to be officially observed. In 1916 President Woodrow Wilson issued a proclamation that June 14 be National Flag Day, and in 1949 it was made official by an Act of Congress. William T Kerr, a native of Pittsburgh, PA, founded the American Flag Day Association of Western Pennsylvania in 1888 and became the national chairman of the American Flag Day Association one year later, serving for fifty years. He attended President Truman’s 1949 signing of the Act of Congress that formally established the observance.

Below are a LOT of pictures of flags in my immediate neighborhood:

I will share Steve’s Memorial Day message from Maplewood, about freedom to live our lives. Ask Jesus into our life. What matters most is that we are alive day by day and living for Christ. We are ALIVE in Christ. We were made to fill each other. We are filled, then empty ourselves into each other. In our nation thousands have given their lives so others may live – they emptied themselves for us. Jesus makes it all possible by His death and gives us life. He emptied HIMSELF for us; He took in all the sin and suffering and gave Himself. When you give yourself to Jesus, His love is given to us. We remember Jesus’ sacrifice – that keeps us faithful. We remember those who gave themselves so we can be faithful and live our life in Jesus.

On this day in 1775 the US Army was formed as the Continental Army to fight the American Revolutionary war, and in 1777 the Continental Congress adopted the Stars and Stripes flag. Sandpaper was patented in 1881, and in 1923 was the recording of the first country music hit: Little old Log Cabin in the Lane. In 1940 Auschwitz concentration and extermination camp opened, and in 1942 Anne Frank began her diary. Harriet Beecher Stowe was born in 1811 (author – Uncle Tom’s Cabin), and Donald Trump – 45th President – was born in 1946. Benedict Arnold died at age 60 in 1801, and in 1963 Betty White married game show host Allen Ludden.

US General
Nathanael Greene

TOMORROW June 15 is:
Take time when you read this to be appreciative of our country, and the flag that represents it. We may have strange and distressing issues to deal with these days, but it’s still the greatest nation under God – and in the world! God bless…

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