I was wakened from a nasty dream this morning at about 6:30am by a plethora of birds singing in my yard. It was a dream I was glad to leave behind. I know it’s not spring yet, but if the birds are holding choir practice it’s coming close. I was able to fall back asleep for a little bit, but that 6:30am birdsong chorus was the first of the year.

Wednesday is cleaning day, and I was able to get started early. At Noon I took a break, did some notary work for Mike P, and then got my haircut. I always feel blessed when I come away from Dianne’s, as we have such interesting, fun, and varied conversations! Two services for the price of one. My hair was long overdue for being cut so I’m very excited about it! The photo is after spending the rest of the day cleaning, so it’s not at it’s best. But it feels very good.

I decided I missed having a little space to set boxes or bins when I was looking for something on the garage shelves, so I trekked down to the shed and brought up a small corner table. It fits snuggly in the corner and will be perfect. Takes up very little room, and it will be even better when the photo boxes are sorted out and distributed. Soon!

And that’s the excitement for today.
February 23 – What is the biggest problem you remember having in Sr. High School? “Getting mixed up in the new school. Plumville school had closed and we were bused to Marion Center High School. I didn’t finish school.” Poor Mom. She really loved school, too.

Yesterday’s vacation destination was Pittsburgh, and the picture posted was the Frick Historical Center. Other places to see and visit are:

Calendar Inspiration is Sometimes waiting is necessary before you begin a project. Timing and patience are everything.

Quote –

Scripture –

Vacation destination –

TOMORROW February 24 is:
I am pretty sure my sister will celebration Toast Day. I should do that too – I love toast. Tomorrow Kath & I are going to a program at Compass Inn in the afternoon. Sounds like a really fun day! Enjoy whatever you do. God bless…
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