Today is a cold weather day. I really didn’t hear the birds this morning. They were probably still cuddled in bed when I got up!

Kathy and I went to a Fireside Chat at Historic Compass Inn in Laughlintown this afternoon. Dr. Emily Barth talked about the origins of words, their root language, how the meaning and pronunciation morphed over the years, and different ways that the words changed. We learned things like: Is a crayfish a fish? Where’s the ‘ham’ in hamburger? What does humble pie taste like? It was very fun and interesting, and some of the answers were surprising! There are four chats, total, counting today, and I immediately came home and ordered tickets for us for the next three! The program was in the main room of the Inn, with the fire blazing (appropriate), and the offering of tea/coffee, fruit, shortbread, and mixed nuts. It was a very nice afternoon.

We actually stopped at The Pie Shoppe across the street before the program. We had a famous cinnamon roll (sort of lunch for us) and I bought Snails (sort of pie dough type treats) and Kath got cookies. No one makes Snails like The Pie Shoppe!

So now I’m going to finish then, make a toasted cheese sandwich (after all, it IS national toast day!), and watch an episode or two of HOME TOWN!

February 24 – Describe a place you liked to go to be alone. “When I was old enough to go by myself I liked to go & set under the big walnut tree (by the cabin) in the cow pasture. That is why Dad gave me the ground where we built the cabin in the 60’s.

Yesterday’s vacation destination was Seven Springs general area, and the picture posted was the Seven Springs Mountain Resort – summer, obviously. Here are a few other things to see and do in the area:

Calendar Inspiration is Winter brings extra work but special rewards – What makes winter special for you?

Today is my step-daughter Nancy Burke’s birthday! Happy birthday, Nancy – hope your day is full of fun and family and all the things you hold dear! Love you!

Quote –

Scripture –

Vacation Destination –

TOMORROW February 25 is:
I love chocolate covered nuts. Especially from Donna’s store in Smicksburg. But tomorrow it will be 10 months until Christmas day! Don’t start your shopping yet…. God bless.
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