TWO’s Day. Mostly seemed like an ordinary day to me. Didn’t really notice much of a difference, but I did stop at 2:22pm.
When I got to Jeannette, Rege said they were going to take me out of the Mazda, which I have had since early fall or maybe even summer. So they put me into a Chevrolet sedan, which I knew would be too big to fit in my garage. But it’s only for a short time, so it is what it is. I moved all my belongings out of the Mazda and into the Chevy, – – – and I couldn’t get it to start! I felt really stupid, because the lot attendant had just parked it beside the Mazda so it had to start. Both Rege and Barry came out, but no one could get it to start. And the only door that would open was the driver’s door – and my things were in the trunk! Barry saved the day and got the trunk open but I had to sort of shimmy between the seats to get a few things from the back seat. So I was in a Nissan Sentra (also a sedan!), and I got almost to Greensburg and the ‘crash warning’ light came on and wouldn’t go off. We figured that out. But then the low battery light came on for the key fob. Thankfully Bernie at Greensburg knew how to replace that! Several times on the way home the ‘crash warning’ light came on, but it went off when you shut off the car. The Nissan fits nicely in the garage with room to spare! But of course, yesterday I put a full tank of gas in the Mazda and it was freshly washed. But the benefits of having the car far outweighs the little bumps in the road. The Nissan really handles nice and I suspect it will get pretty good gas mileage! Another adventure!

I finished my star project. I do have a disclaimer: Every cute project I work on falls far below my expectations! I am just not creative. But nothing was a waste, because I can repaint/reuse the stars any time I get tired of the current garland.

I noticed last night that the light set on the stair ledge had gone out. I leave them on all the time so that’s to be expected. But other than knocking several houses off the shelf and displacing several other items, it all went back together just fine. Again, I am not good an these things!

After lunch I made muffins – a few days after National Muffin Day – but now I have a quick breakfast choice in the freezer for several days! I finished going through the picture albums and threw the old ones away, and did the ironing. I still have to clean the oven but I’ll save that for Friday.

February 22 – What is the biggest problem you remember having in Jr. High School? “We didn’t have a separate school for the Jr. High. I don’t remember any problems IN school. It was just the problem of needing to walk so far.” Kids these days usually get the bus very near their homes. Very few even walk to and from!

Yesterday’s Vacation Destination was the Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum and sites in Springfield, IL. The picture posted was from the museum’s website and is the wax museum pre-presidential years. Other photos from Lincoln’s museums:

Calendar inspiration is – Look forward to something special this year – plan a trip or a project.

Quote –

Scripture –

Vacation Destination –

TOMORROW February 23 is:
NO MORE BAKING! And… no dog biscuits. I will stick with cleaning the house and possibly getting a haircut. Have a wonderful Wednesday! God bless…
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