I got up early this morning but got caught up in several little projects. So I still wasn’t early for work! But I got everything done in both stores, and then stopped to do title work for Mike G. I said I was going home to enjoy the nice day, and would wash my car. He took my keys and had it washed off, the dash wiped, and the mats cleaned! It looks so nice. A huge thank you to Mike and his team.

I didn’t have any extra time after work. I came home and changed, had lunch, made 2 phone calls, and then picked Chrissy up at the old bus stop. She got her new bus number, pick up and drop off times, and locations. So she should be good. She’s excited because she knows some people who live close by. After I dropped Chrissy off at home, I drove over to the walking trail behind WCCC. Took a 2 mile walk – parked in the middle and walked to Armbrust, then walked back to the ball fields behind the college and back to the car. Very nice day for a walk!

Diane txt me photos from her earlier walk. She went to Beaver Run. There was still ice in some spots.

I’m going over to Kath’s at 8pm to watch the next episode of The Gilded Age. We are totally hooked on this series!

February 21 – What is the biggest problem you remember having in Grade School? “When the boys would keep us from going to the outhouse. Our teacher said to wait & go when everyone was back in the schoolhouse after recess. We couldn’t go together. We each took our turn. We had the ‘bullies’ in our day the same as today.”

Yesterday’s vacation destination was Mt. Vernon, and the photo posted was of the Christmas camel, Aladdin. George Washington had the camel there almost every Christmas since about 1787! Other things to see at Mt. Vernon are: (These are photos we took when we visited.)

What a treat!
Photos from the website:

Calendar Inspiration – Be ready to learn whatever your day will teach you – keep learning & growing!

In honor of President’s day!
Quote – (shared by Greg & Lynn Pelc)

Scripture –

Vacation Destination –

TOMORROW February 22 is:
- National Supermarket Employee Day *
- National California Day
- National Cook a Sweet Potato Day
- National Margarita Day
- World Spay Day
Tomorrow, Tuesday February 22, 2022, is being known as Two’s Day. So at 2:22 (am or pm?) it will be 2:22 on Tuesday 2-22-22. So whatever you do, stop and acknowledge the significance. Several are suggesting that we stop and pray — for our nation, for our friends, for each other! Happy Two’s Day and God bless…
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