Very cold – but sunny. It’s almost 6pm and I’m just sitting down for the day (except, of course, for in church). Lots of little things to do.

I came straight home after church and grabbed my tax documents. The plan was to meet Valetta (my tax lady) uptown near the post office. So we had this clandestine meeting in the parking lot to hand off the documents. The funny thing was that while I was waiting for her, a young guy in a dress coat with an 18 inch submarine sandwich walked across the lot and started throwing pebbles at an upstairs window – just like in the movies! Someone must have looked out (I couldn’t see) and he waved the sub around to gesture behind the house – then took off. It was very strange. Hoping they enjoyed their sub!

After lunch I bundled up and went outside with a can of spray paint and my stars. I bought a new can of glitter spray but it didn’t work. Guess I have to return that tomorrow. So I have a project in mind for my stars and I’ll see if I can make it happen tomorrow.

While I was outside painting I picked up the twigs and branches in the yard. One big limb came down from the neighbor’s tree and went about 4 inches into the ground. I had to tug is pretty hard to get it out.

Kathy called and asked me to put a delivered package inside their house (they are gone for overnight) so I drove over there and handled that. Came home to a cup of hot tea and Chex Mix to hold me over til supper later. I should clean the oven but I feel uninspired right now…

February 20 – What do you remember as your least favorite school subject? “I just couldn’t remember my geography. I love learning about places all over the United States and have a world globe I look places up that they tell about on television and in the newspaper. The subject that was called ‘English’ was my least favorite subject. I still have trouble writing my sentence so it conveys my thoughts.

Yesterday’s vacation destination was St. Lucia and the photo posted was Tet Paul Nature Trail. Things to do:

Calendar inspiration today is classic Peanuts:

Quote –

Scripture –

Vacation destination –

TOMORROW February 21 is:
Oh no – I was just getting ready to make muffins for National Muffin Day. But tomorrow is Sticky Bun Day. I don’t think I’ll do either one! If you have tomorrow off, enjoy! God bless…
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