Another cold and windy night. I was having my morning tea in the living room when it came up almost a blizzard! Snow was swirling so thick you could barely see the house across the street. Two hours later, the sun was shining and bright! It was still in the 20’s and windy but sunny and clear.

I took advantage of the clear weather and popped into Miller’s Crossing – another fleatique. I don’t go there quite as often. I spent a few dollars and got two larger stars to match the tiny ones that I already had. The whole set of 5 – over months of time – was less than $5! I’m a star fanatic, I guess.

This morning I changed bedsheets and did laundry, then finished up the ironing. Last night I got the photos sorted and the shredding cleaned up. I only have a small bag now that will need destroyed. That’s all the plans for the day.

A very happy birthday to Skunk Hollow cousin Holly! I believe she is the youngest! Hope your day was delightful and the year(s) ahead of you are blessed and happy! Love you tons!

February 19 – What do you remember as your favorite subject in school? “I think history was my favorite subject all through school. Television has many stories about the past. The past helps put things, in our future, in prospective as we look forward. It helps us understand how our country was and how it has become the #1 country in the world.” Mom lived through 91 years of history. She had a lot to enjoy!

Yesterday’s vacation destination was Boston, and the picture posted was an outside bookstore in a closed off ally-way. All the pictures below (except first one) are ones from our vacation there. I’d love to go back, but there are so many other wonderful places to see I doubt that we will. My advise would be to just DO IT!

Calendar Inspiration – Seek advice and guidance whenever you need it.

Quote –

Scripture –

Vacation Destination –

TOMORROW February 20 is:
- National Leadership Day *
- National Comfy Day
- National Cherry Pie Day
- National Love Your Pet Day
- National Muffin Day
Oooh. Looks like I should make muffins tomorrow and get comfy with a cup of tea. No cherry pie. Next weekend Diane and I are going on a Cherry Pie Hike so we’ll save it ’til then! Have a good day in the house of the Lord. God bless…
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