April 23, 2021

Mixed up the morning routine – got a shower, ate breakfast, then went for my walk. It was a little warmer, and sunny. Washed a load of clothes, then had to switch cars. Driving a white Hyundai Kona. Smaller than the Encore but comfortable. Again, could pair the phone on my own even though it was different.

2019 Hyundai Kona

I stopped at L&L Fleatique, then after lunch (provided by my favorite sister!) I bundled up and went outside. (Kath was very excited about her Red Bud tree- it was in full bloom for the first time!)

My little sign I got at the Fleatique!
Kathy’s Red Bud tree is beautiful

I moved some of the stones and put some around the lilac by Dottie’s fence and some by the front walk to fill in. Dottie was still digging out roots from the tree that isn’t there… I was also able to move a lot of the plants and put them on the hill. Got the cement bench moved. It’s in 3 parts or I wouldn’t have been able to budge it. The seat is VERY heavy – I sort of slid it over – didn’t lift it at all.

Cleaning stones and plants off the hill.
Bench is moved
Stones filling in by the walk
Roots to Dottie’s tree that isn’t there….

Today I will share Greg’s message from Vanderbilt – because it’s his birthday! The message is based on the Hymn: Be thou my Vision, which is a very old hymn from about 400-800AD. (A Wise Request) Christ is our vision – we need to calculate, What am I doing? HE is our goal. Choose a direction. No other request but to love you, Lord. Be careful you don’t forget the Lord; He is my light. There are lies all around us – so delight in His word, and feed on it. Refuel with believers, then go out into the field. We are a chosen people – He has redeemed us. No matter what happens, we have God. Strive to make Christ your vision.

Greg from Vanderbilt

On this day in 1597 William Shakespeare’s “Merry Wives of Windsor” was first performed – with Queen Elizabeth I in attendance, and in 1861 Robert E Lee was named commander of Virginia confederate forces. William Shakespeare died at age 52 in 1616 (on his birthday?!?); William Wordsworth at age 80 in 1850, and James Earl Ray (70) in 1998 (Assassin of Martin Luther King Jr.). Birthdays: William Shakespeare in 1564, James Buchanan, 15th president and the only one from Pennsylvania, in 1791; Shirley Temple in 1928; and Sandra Dee (Gidget) in 1942. And my friend and one of the ministers I’m blessed to listen to weekly is celebrating today. I’ve known Greg since the 1980’s, I think – lots of fun, very quick witted, wonderful person, and an amazing preacher and devoted man of God. I’m honored to call him a friend. Happy birthday, Greg Pelc!

Greg & his wife Lynn
15th US President James Buchanan
James Buchanan (I think he looks like Scrooge at the end of the movie!)
Sandra Dee as Gidget with Moondoggie

TOMORROW April 24th is:

I’m thinking I’ll once again make my own celebration for a National Day. Possibly ‘National Get some Writing Done’ Day! Long overdue!! God bless…

Just got a call from John – who’s 100th birthday is Monday! Last week he got a citation from Governor Wolf acknowledging his birthday, and today he got one from the PA State Senate. He actually sounded a little excited about that. His family is having cake and ice cream for him on Sunday. If you want to send him a card, call or message me and I’ll get you his address…

No description available.
John reading his Bible — while his preacher installed his new furnace!!!
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