Treadmill walk – then a very long, busy work day! I had several outside transfers to do, then an Antique tag application for a friend. PLUS — there were several deals in Jeannette and a few things in Greensburg. It was 3pm when I got home – but that included getting gas in the car.
And speaking of cars — it always happens this way. They had a customer on my copper Encore, so I emptied everything out except for a box of Kleenex, the garage door opener, and my sunglasses. I had just filled THAT car with gas on Tuesday… So I picked up the new white Encore after lunch, and was only home half an hour when they called me. They have a customer tomorrow on THAT car. And of course, it now had a full tank of gas! Yikes! A lot of dollars on gas in cars I won’t drive! Small price to pay… I really liked this white Encore – sad to have to switch out.

After lunch, I had some office work to do and some cards to write out. I skimmed the Youtube channel to see what was appealing. I found the movie Miss Potter that was free (with commercials). I sat there for an hour and a half, mesmerized by this amazing movie. Very delightful, moving, and fun. I recommend it if you get a chance to watch it! It’s one of my favorite types of movies – it begins at the end!

I will share Paul’s message from River Hill – Jesus is in the Restoration Business. Jesus restores us spiritually. A new life, living hope. We NEED restoration. Satan’s wrecking crew wants to demolish and tear down – Jesus builds up. We receive his personal attention and care. Read Psalms 23. We go through storms – sustain damage, and need restored. Let Jesus in. The devil steals from us. Sometimes we run away and leave Jesus – but He will restore us. We have to have faith, to step out and let him work on us. Jesus said ‘Feed my sheep!’ We are part of the restoration process. Jesus paid all the cost for that. Peter received a commission to feed the sheep. We must do that too.

On this day in 1864 the US minted the 2 cent coin – it’s the first appearance of ‘In God We Trust.’ 1915 saw the first military use of poison gas by Germany in WWI, and in 1976 Barbara Walters became the first female US nightly network news anchor. Eddie Albert (Green Acres) was born in 1906, and Glen Campbell in 1936. 37th president Richard Nixon died at age 81 in 1994, and Eddie Cibrian married LeAnn Rimes in 2011.

TOMORROW April 23rd is:
- National Cherry Cheesecake Day
- National Lost Dogs Awareness Day
- National Picnic Day
- National Take a Chance Day
- National Talk Like Shakespeare Day
- National Day of Silence –
I wasn’t aware there was a lost dogs awareness day…. I think it will be too cold to take a chance on a picnic – but I’ll just contemplate that in silence. But then again, I have never been known to be silent. God bless!
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