After a brisk morning walk – and several phone calls (even one from Goshen IN) and txt messages and facebook posts! – I got busy on my Friday chores of cleaning and laundry. I felt blessed all day to have so much attention, love, and friendship pouring to me. Huge thanks to everyone who made the day special! And CARDS! Lots of fun cards!

My cousin Deb felt that cleaning house was not a fitting way to celebrate a birthday, so she picked me up and we had lunch at Parkwood. I had the fish sandwich and it was so huge I only ate about half. The fries were homemade and I ate them first! 🙂 Thank you, dear friend/cousin! We even used her brand new tripod/selfie stick and took our picture. It was the first time she used it, and before we figured it out the auto photo had taken 79 photos! But she figured it out (it had a really neat remote control!) and now we have a happy memory of the day!

After supper Kath, Paul, Sarah and Millie called me and sang ‘Happy Birthday ‘ – and then blew noise makes. Millie even wore a princess crown because she said ‘she knew me best!’ What a sweetie! Thanks to my family for making me smile today.

As I cleaned, my balloon followed me through the kitchen. A star! Someone knows me well… And the little bunny was nibbling beside the deck again. They are so cute when they are small.

Kath sent me another picture of Mom having her cake yesterday. You can see her attempt at eating the whole piece at once! Thankfully she figured it out and only took a small bite. But she did love that cake!

I will share Paul’s message – Judgement vs Kindness. God grieved that he made man; but Noah found favor. Often things that God has condemned find favor with man! We should be careful not to accept the ways of the world. Don’t water down God’s word. We are to love good and hate evil. We are all judgmental: We all sin & deserve God’s wrath. We can’t save ourselves. Don’t judge others – you are not qualified. We look for loopholes in God’s judgement, but we will all be judged and God’s judgement is impartial. There will be no last minute negotiations or a ‘free pass.’ There is no favoritism in God’s eyes; no defense against God’s judgement. Kindness matters – share it. Kindness is important. We do deserve God’s judgement, but there is hope. He didn’t have to create us; didn’t have to save us; didn’t have to send His son. If we are faithful, salvation is a gift of God. it’s only through Jesus that we can be forgiven and receive pardon. God blesses us with kindness and is patient with us. We have done nothing to deserve salvation. Grace keeps no record of wrongs. We need to show forgiveness.

On this day in 1682 William Penn founded Philadelphia in the Pennsylvania Colony, and 1815 was the battle of Waterloo. The first photo of lightening was taken in 1847, and in 1928 Amelia Earhart was the first woman to fly across the Atlantic ocean. Martin Luther King Jr married Coretta Scott in 1953. And I share a birthday today with Paul McCartney (1942) and Blake Shelton (1976).

TOMORROW June 19 is:
Tomorrow is COURT DAYS at Historic Hanna’s Town. Check on line for the activities schedule and stop out. It will be a great weekend there. I’ll be in the tavern from 9am to 11am so come visit. Demonstrations and re-enactors! Super fun day! God bless….
Hanna’s Town Court Days

Step back in time to when Hanna’s Town served as the seat of government for Westmoreland County! Join us for reenactments of actual court cases heard at Hanna’s Town between 1773 and 1786 along with militia encampments and demonstrations, living history demonstrations and displays, activities for children, and more.
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