Blog Archives

April 29, 2022

My whole day – until mid-afternoon – was spent at Hanna’s Town helping to set up for the Annual Spring Tea, which is tomorrow. The spring and fall teas sell out as soon as they are announced so we have

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Happy Birthday Christina!

I cannot believe Chrissy is sixteen! And I can’t believe the changes in her over the past year. She is growing into a lovely, sensitive, accomplished and kind young woman! She is fun, and funny, and compassionate. It’s a pleasure

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April 27, 2022

As is usual, Wednesday is my mid-weak day – not much exciting. I cleaned and did laundry but actually got side-tracked a few times! First I went through the sweaters and got rid of at least half, and packed away

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April 26, 2022

I could have driven the whole way to Newport today for as much as I was in the car – although not all the time driving. I left the house at 8:15 to pick Autmn up for her interview at

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April 25, 2022

Wow what a crazy couple of weeks this has been. First was my friend Bill Smail passing away, then April’s grandson Griffin. Today I found out that two former Smail employees – who I worked with for better than 20

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April 24, 2022

Today was a beautiful weather day! I think it was nicer than yesterday. After Sunday school and church, I grabbed a quick lunch, changed clothes, then started a pot of veggie soup. I had leftover beef and broth and carrots

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April 23, 2022

It’s 8:30pm and I just came in from outside. It was a beautiful day to be outside working in the yard. I started the day changing and washing bed sheets, ironing, gluing a broken Easter decoration, and making some phone

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April 22, 2022

Every time I woke up last night, I found myself listening for the boys to see if they were still up. House is quiet now. It was very foggy this morning, but the moon was really bright and still pretty

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April 21, 2022

We started laundry first thing, even before breakfast or showers, so Kelly would have all the clothes clean and not have to do that when she got home. We had pancakes for breakfast and worked on little things all morning.

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April 20, 2022

Right after breakfast, Hilltop Pest Control came to assess the ant situation. They sprayed inside and out and I have to leave any residue for at least a week. It’s safe; made out of cauliflower power. Guaranteed or they will

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