Very early this morning I heard the machinery working on the roads. A jarring way to wake up! The one machine was scraping the asphalt off the roads and spitting it into the huge dump truck. That, of course, left a big bump in the middle of the road, and also a considerable drop off to get from my driveway onto the road. I was worried that the car would scrape but didn’t. Now we see when they will start paving.

I had lunch with Aunt Darlene (a friend’s aunt, not mine, but very sweet and kind) today at the New City Buffet – her favorite place to eat. She knows the owners and the staff by name and they cater to her every need. She hasn’t been feeling her best – nine years ago she was given a kidney by her step-son, and yesterday’s test/biopsy revealed that the kidney was failing. She’s uncomfortable and weak and of course very concerned as to what will happen next. She has an appointment with her specialist on June 14th to determine how to move forward. Please pray for her. She’s more than a little rattled by this whole discovery.

We sat for over two hours and talked. Thankfully we didn’t EAT for two hours! She takes things very slow. When I left there I had a few errands to run. I found the garden flag that I wanted for my new holder; it matches the door mat exactly! So that was a plus. Then I got groceries.

Before I came home, I left a little congrats wish for my sister on their porch. I’m so excited for them!

June 2 – What was the funniest name or nickname in your town? “We had a neighbor that lived down in the valley. I don’t know what her real name was but everyone called her Gooley. Gooley Galentine. Her husband’s real name was Clover.”

Yesterday’s vacation destination was Los Angeles CA = the hometown of Marilyn Monroe (one of the quotes was hers). The photo was a tour of Warner Brothers Studios. Other points of interest (just a few):

Calendar Inspiration – Scents can trigger memories; What nostalgic scents do you recall from your childhood?

Quote –

Scripture –

Vacation Destination –

TOMORROW June 3 is:
I bought eggs at the store today and I have doughnuts in the freezer (if I remember to eat one). They are the mini-tiny ones! Other than that I plan to clean the house and then help Kathy move boxes! Have a lovely weekend. God bless…
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