I started the day very early going over to help Kathy finish setting up her yard sale. It was a slow start but they had a nice amount of people come through. The nice thing was that Jen’s rescue – Ninth Life Rescue – came over and picked up ALL THE LEFTOVER ITEMS and the place was cleaned up by 1:30pm! It was an amazing amount of work but it’s over now and that’s another successful event on the books!

After changing, I buzzed over to Hanna’s Town to do tours. I was busy all afternoon and we closed up the building right at 4:30pm. Everyone was very nice and they expressed a lot of interest in the information and the history. It was VERY HOT but we managed just fine. I even made friends with the crow on a stick that sits on the window in the gift shop!

I passed the cemetery down the road, and they were having their Memorial Day service. We’ve attended it before, and it’s a very nice ceremony.

Today is the time to stop and remember the men and women who gave themselves selflessly for our freedom. Below are some famous quotes that I thought were worth sharing. I marked my favorites.

Ronald Reagan – I like this one two, said in reference to those who gave: “But most of them were boys when they died, and they gave up two lives — the one they were living and the one they would have lived.”
May 30 – Is there anything you have now that you have kept from your childhood? “Yes. I have a pitcher & bowl for on a wash stand. Dad bought it for me at an auction. I wanted to go & he said ‘not this time.’ He brought it back for me & I have kept it all these years.”

Yesterday’s vacation destination was Sanibel Island Florida – the picture posted was the causeway. Here are other photos:

Calendar Inspiration –

Quote –

Scripture –

Vacation Destination –

TOMORROW May 31st is:
- Autonomous Vehicle Day
- National Macaroon Day
- National Save Your Hearing Day
- National Smile Day
- National Speak in Sentences Day
- National Utah Day
- Necrotizing Fasciitis Awareness Day
Tomorrow for me is ‘help with school tour day’ at Hanna’s Town. I can also smile. No macaroons, though. Enjoy your Tuesday. God bless!
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