Memorial Day 2022

I started the day very early going over to help Kathy finish setting up her yard sale. It was a slow start but they had a nice amount of people come through. The nice thing was that Jen’s rescue – Ninth Life Rescue – came over and picked up ALL THE LEFTOVER ITEMS and the place was cleaned up by 1:30pm! It was an amazing amount of work but it’s over now and that’s another successful event on the books!

Yard sale items…
More items…
And even more…

After changing, I buzzed over to Hanna’s Town to do tours. I was busy all afternoon and we closed up the building right at 4:30pm. Everyone was very nice and they expressed a lot of interest in the information and the history. It was VERY HOT but we managed just fine. I even made friends with the crow on a stick that sits on the window in the gift shop!

Hot, sunny day at Hanna’s Town
Crow on a stick

I passed the cemetery down the road, and they were having their Memorial Day service. We’ve attended it before, and it’s a very nice ceremony.

Westmoreland County Memorial Park

Today is the time to stop and remember the men and women who gave themselves selflessly for our freedom. Below are some famous quotes that I thought were worth sharing. I marked my favorites.

“and i’m proud to be an american, where at least i know i’m free and i won’t forget the men who died, who gave that right to me” —lee greenwood
“this is the day we pay homage to all those who didn’t come home this is not veterans day, it’s not a celebration, it is a day of solemn contemplation over the cost of freedom” —tamra bolton
memorial day quote by john f kennedy
memorial day quote from sgt major bill paxton
memorial day quote by winston churchill
memorial day quote by ronald reagan
memorial day quote by judd gregg
memorial day quote by gen douglas macarthur
memorial day quote by beth pennington
memorial day quote by cynthia ozick
memorial day quote by harry s truman
memorial day quote by bob dylan
memorial day quotes
memorial day quotes
memorial day quotes
memorial day quotes
memorial day quotes
I think this one is my favorite….
memorial day quotes
memorial day quotes

Ronald Reagan – I like this one two, said in reference to those who gave: “But most of them were boys when they died, and they gave up two lives — the one they were living and the one they would have lived.”

May 30 – Is there anything you have now that you have kept from your childhood? “Yes. I have a pitcher & bowl for on a wash stand. Dad bought it for me at an auction. I wanted to go & he said ‘not this time.’ He brought it back for me & I have kept it all these years.”

Yesterday’s vacation destination was Sanibel Island Florida – the picture posted was the causeway. Here are other photos:

Ding Darling National Wildlife Refuge
Lighthouse Beach Park
Bowman’s beach – best place to find shells
Blind Pass Beach
National Shell Museum
Historical Museum and Village
Conservation Nature Center
Center for rehabilitation of wildlife

Calendar Inspiration –

Memorial Day | Last Monday in May

Quote –

Scripture –

Vacation Destination –

I have a painting that a friend did of this building – it’s hanging in my bedroom.

TOMORROW May 31st is:

Tomorrow for me is ‘help with school tour day’ at Hanna’s Town. I can also smile. No macaroons, though. Enjoy your Tuesday. God bless!

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