June 7, 2022

Weather is crazy today – one minute it’s dry and the next it’s pouring. But it’s chilly so my chores will be inside the rest of the day. I worked both stores this morning. Jeannette had a few things, and Rege and I had our weekly chat. After I finished in Greensburg I stopped and got a hair cut. I wanted to give it a week to settle and for me to get used to it.

A little shorter…

So, yesterday I got to Kelly’s a little before 10am. It’s so quaint to turn onto their road and go through the covered bridge. No matter how often I do that, I still love it!

Erskine Bridge 1`845

I helped her do a few things, and then we took a walk down to say hello to Fluffy. He was convinced that we were there to feed him, so he just stood beside his food bowl. I tried to get a picture of the piggies but they were in a pen on the other side of Fluffy. We had to walk THROUGH his pasture to get to the pigs and that was NOT on my list of favorites. So we didn’t. But Fluffy posed for a few photos for us.

Where IS my food???
Fluffy keeping his eye on us.

After talking to Fluffy for a while, we walked down to the creek. A little robin was giving himself a bath. The water was flowing well, and a huge tree grew out over the creek. The photo of the tree doesn’t do it justice.

See the robin? In the very center. On the far side of the creek.
A tree grows in … the creek!
The tree is HUGE

Kelly and I met Matt at the Condo village – Londonberry, in West Virginia. Such a nice neighborhood! But a lot of landscaping to weed and clean up. We worked for over five hours, with a little help from Matt and about an hour’s worth from Peyton until he had to leave. We did not get finished but we made good progress. Not sure when I’ll get back down – if he needs me. I think we narrowly escaped an Indiana attack (can I say that?).

Beds with weeds, before we started
One little corner done
There were seven or eight sections this long, plus about six or seven smaller ones.
Is there such a thing as ‘feather’ language?

When we got back to the house, Kelly made tacos for supper. They were very good; I never make them for myself so it was a treat. Sarah had asked Kelly to make Wyatt a little onesie, so she did that after dinner. I always hate leaving my little family!

Wyatt’s onesie
Logan (15) and Kelly. He’s WAY taller!

I left there about 8:15pm, and got caught in several construction projects. The craziest was near the Speers bridge. They actually directed all traffic off Route 70 and then back on the other side. I sat for a while and never moved. The speed limit sign, (meaning to SLOW DOWN to 45 MPH!) belied the actual real-time fact! I got home very close to 10pm.

Restricted speed limit…
My actual speed at the time…

I was asked to notarize something for Kathy’s brother-in-law George, so we met at Kathy’s. Our friend Lynn (you may remember her from Beef Day!) came to pick up a few things and we chatted for a bit. I miss talking with Lynn and glad I was there when she stopped over.

Kathy and Lynn

June 7 – What food did you learn to cook or prepare first as a youth? “I remember learning to fry eggs first. We were baking cakes and cookies at age 10.” I learned very young, too – from my Mom! Our famous brownie recipe!

Sunday’s vacation destination (we skipped yesterday) was not a destination. It was a type of vacation; one that you would go to volunteer your time and services. Photo posted was to do Climate change research in Canada. Other places and causes are:

Safari in West Africa helping wildlife
Save sea turtles in Costa Rico
Volunteer with homeless animals in Nepal
Work to protect Peruvian Amazon
Sailing and protecting Galapagos Islands
Defend endangered species of Bolivia
Encourage youth development in Ghana
Human rights advocacy in Thailand

Calendar inspiration – When you’ve done all you can, let your project develop and grow on its own.

Quote –

Scripture –

Vacation Destination –

We were going to stop here on vacation but it’s a little out of our way….

TOMORROW June 8th is:

My longest best friend is Gen; 2nd longest is Diane. Then there’s a long list in the number three spot! But my cherished side-by-side best friend is my sister! Happy best friend day to all of my dear, dear friends! God bless…

Gen & I since 9th grade
Di and I – since 10th grade
Kath & I – since 1954!
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