June 3, 2022

I hit the ground running this morning, catching up on what I didn’t get done all week. I had a lot on my plate. Today I cleaned the whole house, did laundry, cut the grass, pulled weeds, sprayed Round-up (cautiously) on some weeds, and trimmed some bushes. I took a picture of the happy little Peanuts gang while I was dusting their shelf.

At 5pm I went to Kathy’s. She had a group meeting to take some boxes to the new house. Nate & Dave are painting while the house is empty. They have the living room/dining room done and it really looks beautiful. I’ll help her tomorrow for a while, after I go to Jen’s Ninth Life flea market at the Grandview Fire Hall in Jeannette. I like to support when I can!

Trunk full
Back seat
Front seat

June 3 – Did you ever sleep under the stars? “We had a play house across the field from the house. it was a nice old chicken coop. I never slept on the ground until I was a Girl Scout leader.”

Yesterday’s vacation destination was not really a destination. Based on yesterday’s calendar inspiration and quote/scripture, it’s scents that evoke vacation memories. The pictures posted was sunscreen. Other aromas are:

Pine trees
Fresh rain
Carnival food
Orange blossoms

Calendar inspiration – A cheerful attitude creates its own positive energy

Quote –

Scripture –

Vacation destination –

Not a destination, but a TYPE of vacation.

TOMORROW June 4 is:

Lots of celebrations going on tomorrow. So pick one or two that you like. God Bless!

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