It was beautiful all day! Took an early morning walk and didn’t really need a jacket. I saw a patch of daffodils with an orange center – don’t remember seeing them before.
I broke the National no housework day edict, and did clean the house from top to bottom, did some laundry, worked a tiny bit outside (wish I could have been outside ALL DAY!). My hyacinths in the front were all in bloom – white, pink and purple – with a small cluster of grape hyacinths in the background if you can see them.
Kath picked me up at 3:30 and we went to see mom. The inside of the lobby was still decorated for Easter and it was very festive! I was glad to see fun things! Since mom has had her shot, we were allowed to touch her and hug her and sit beside her. She wasn’t too sure about the hugs, but she seemed very happy to see us. We asked her what she had for dinner and she said Irene made her worms! She seemed very happy about that. I’m fairly certain they didn’t serve worms….
I grabbed a few last minute groceries, then picked Autmn up at her friend’s house and took her home. Took the trash up to the road, made veggie soup, swept the garage, and ate a left-over grilled cheese sandwich (not as bad as it sounds – on homemade bread!). Still have some ironing to finish then I’ll call it a night. Busy day tomorrow… ** This just in – Chrissy called and her sweatpants are here and she needs them tomorrow! So I guess I’ll finish this and make a quick dash the mile and a half and drop them off for her!!!
I will share Steve’s message from Maplewood. Frightening news, but good news! The women at the tomb wouldn’t tell anyone it was empty because they were afraid. But we know, of course, that they did. The Bible is a record of historical accuracy. We live by stories, and yearn to know them. Everything changes with the truth of the resurrection. Our faith sustains us. From the women’s reaction, you wouldn’t think there was hope – it was frightening – but there WAS. And there is – GOOD NEWS. The tree of life will be restored; the cross can also be called the tree of life; it changed everything. Frightening news but GOOD news! He is risen!
![Rev. Stephen M. LaSor](
On this day in 1788 the first settlement in Ohio was founded – in Marietta. P T Barnum, circus showman, died in 1891 at age 90. Henry Ford died in 1947 at age 83, and Mike Wallace (Journalist & Media personality) died in 2012 at age 93. In 1977 Donald Trump married his first wife Ivana. Birthdays: William Wordsworth – poet – was born in 1770 (What an appropriate last name for a writer!); Billie Holiday (Jazz singer) in 1915, and Russell Crowe (Actor) in 1964. My cousin Judy Steiner’s granddaughter Alexis Miller is 15 years old today – have a great day, Lexi, and a wonderful year! And a fellow writer and the best editor I know – Judith Gallagher – is celebrating today. Happy birthday to both ladies!
![Ford Motor Company Founder Henry Ford](
![May be an image of 2 people, including Alexis Miller and people smiling](
![May be an image of 1 person](
TOMORROW April 8th is:
Tomorrow is also ‘Welcome Ron back to PA for a weekend visit’ Day! Over two years he’s been gone. Wishing him a fun and delightful visit! Enjoy your day, whatever you do – Maybe go to the zoo! I know more than enough people that seem to ‘work’ in one! Ha! God bless….
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