July 6, 2021

I kept thinking today was Monday – but the fact that I don’t work on Wednesdays kept me on track. The last few weeks have been way off schedule – but no matter. I just have trouble remembering what day it is!

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Scrambled dates

I did work this morning, then came home and had salsa and chips for lunch. Tried a new salsa and didn’t care for it – so that’s enough of that! I’ll make a salad for supper. I trimmed and painted my nails – but got a little too close on the third from the right. Ouch. Then I started scraping the pealing spots of old paint from the house foundation. There aren’t many, thank goodness. I have one small side left to go, then I can start painting. I’m SO not a painter – but I’ll get ‘er done! Next will be ironing. Tomorrow is cleaning.

Scraping the pealing paint
Paint flakes on the driveway before I swept it.
Silver sparkles on the toes!

One of the small things I brought back from the farm was the spinning wheel that my dad bought when he first opened Wagon Shed Antiques – and that was decades ago. I cleaned it up and it looks so comfortable in my living room! Brings back good memories. I will think of Dad – and Mom – every time I walk through the room!

Spinning Wheel

Had a quick txt from Ron a little after lunchtime. It’s still quiet there, but the rain and wind are due to hit later this evening. He’s prepared – if you can be prepared for this Elsa storm!

Stock photo – Elsa nearing Florida

I will share Paul’s message from River Hill – True Freedom. Our laws are based on the Bible; true freedom is found in Christ. Our country can’t give us freedom from sin. 1) Sin can dominate our lives, but if Jesus has set us free we are free indeed. 2) The human concept is that we get what we deserve. Karma does not work. Karma doesn’t take sin away. 3) Grace and Mercy – God’s love interrupts the consequences from sin, because He loves us and overcomes sin. 4) There’s a catch: we have to hold to His teachings! Truth will set you free: Bible reading, Prayer, Church. God will forgive us over and over and over. Jesus paid the price for our sins.

Paul from River Hill – Freedom

On this day in 1189 Richard the Lionheart was crowned King of England, and in 1699 pirate captain William Kidd was captured in Boston. In 1775 congress issued Declaration of the Causes and Necessity of Taking Up Arms – listed grievances but denied intent to be independent. In 1776 the US Declaration of Independence was announced on the front page of the PA Evening Gazette. In 1942 Anne Frank’s family went into hiding, and in 1994 Forrest Gump was released. John Paul Jones – navel hero who said ‘I have not yet begun to fight!’ was born in 1747; Nancy Reagan (first lady) was born in 1921; Bill Haley (Father of Rock ‘n’ Roll) in 1925; George W Bush Jr (43rd president) in 1946, and Sylvester Stallone also in 1946. William Faulkner (author) died at age 64 in 1962; Louis Armstrong in 1971 at age 69, and Roy Rogers at age 86 in 1998.

King Richard the Lionheart
Richard the Lionheart
Pirate Legend William Kidd
Pirate captain Kiss
First pamphlet printing of the US Continental Congress' Declaration of the Causes and Necessity of Taking Up Arms
7 Life Lessons From 'Forrest Gump' on Its 20th Anniversary - ABC News
Forrest Gump – still running…..

TOMORROW July 7th is:

I’d take a walk with my dad – if I could. If you still have your dad, take a walk with him, or call him and TALK about taking a walk! And have macaroni and a strawberry Sundae while you are at it. God bless!

My dad – before he was my dad!
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