July 5th – Fake holiday!

I don’t think anyone celebrated today, except for the fact that they didn’t have to work. I was happy to be home, catching up on a few things. After my walk and breakfast, I weed whacked. If you know me at all, you know I use a whole 50 foot spool in one session, and get sidetracked easily with weeding, branch trimming, and fence scrubbing. It took me well over 2 1/2 hours to finish! I took a shower, did some laundry, wrote out some cards, went for groceries, and answered emails. So there, you have my day! Nothing exciting. When I finish this I hope to un-decorate the house – all (well, most!) of the Red/White/Blue will be tucked away until Labor Day!

Tucking it away until September….

Today I’m going to share some photos that Ron sent from Florida, all of lakes in his area. The first is dinosaur clouds, and it really does look like dinosaurs! The next is the sunrise over the same lake, a few minutes later. Then the next two are watching the storm come in – the first one even has a fishing boat GOING OUT! I wouldn’t want to be on the lake with a storm approaching. Elsa is gearing up to hit Tampa tomorrow, and he’s about an hour and a half from there in Beverly Hills. So we’ll see what they get.

They really DO look like dinosaurs!!
Beautiful sunrise on the lake
Ominous clouds – crazy fishermen!
Clouds moving in…

Here is Greg’s message from Vanderbilt. The message was very good and I got caught up in it and didn’t take a lot of notes. It was ‘Can I get a Witness’ – our testimony. Will YOU stand for God and speak up for Him? We should delight in God’s laws and commands and meditate on them day and night. They will be part of who we are, and they will be second nature. If we are asked to defend Him, it will come naturally. We don’t have to answer to the world. We answer to God. We won’t bow to the world. Our soul belongs to the Maker. Say with great conviction, “I’LL Be the witness. I’LL step up!” Don’t walk away from God. Be ready with your testimony.

Greg from Vanderbilt

On this day in 1775 the 2nd Continental Congress drafted the Olive Branch Petition to King George III (apparently it didn’t work…); in 1841 Thomas Cook opened the first travel agency, and in 1865 Great Britain created the world’s first speed limit law. Also in 1865 the Secret Service began operating. In 1937 SPAM (luncheon meat) was introduced, and in 1898 the Seinfield pilot episode aired. Also in 1989 Rod Stewart hit his head while on stage and knocked himself out. Hmmmm. David Farragut (American Admiral who said “Damn the torpedoes; full speed ahead!”) was born in 1801; P T Barnum – circus showman – in 1810. Susan Wojcicki – CEO of YouTube – born in 1968. Dolly the Sheep – first mammal to be cloned from an adult cell – was born in 1996. Chester Greenwood (invented the earmuffs) died in 1937 at age 78. In 1911 Lucy Maud Montgomery (wrote Anne of Green Gables) married Ewen McDonald on Prince Edward Island. And in 1957 Frank Sinatra and Ava Gardner divorced.

A Brief History of Spam, an American Meat Icon - Eater
Spam – Spiced Ham
CEO of YouTube Susan Wojcicki
Susan Wojcicki
Sheep Dolly the Sheep
Dolly the Sheep
Author Lucy Maud Montgomery
Anne of Green Gables author Lucy Maud Montgomery

TOMORROW July 6th is:

My hand won’t roll – it’s attached. Hmmmm. So, everyone have a nice ‘go back to work’ day and enjoy your week. God bless!

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