Wednesday April 22, 2015

birds nest.1 4-15

Robins build nests in the most bizarre places.  I looked out the kitchen door the other morning and there was a next in the corner of the top deck.  At that point there were not eggs in it.  Also didn’t see any birds around, ever, so wasn’t sure it was a robin.  We have those chubby love doves hanging around, love doves 4-15too, but don’t know anything about their nesting habits. Autmn and I watched them ‘make out’ the other day on the deck bench.  Shameless little things – though obviously in love !   birds nest 4-15

But I knew I couldn’t move the nest after I found an egg in it the next morning.


I took these pictures on Sunday, and by this morning there were 3 eggs in the nest.  (Opps!  I just looked outside and there are FOUR eggs!)

4 eggs  4-15I have caught the Robin nesting several times, but can’t get close enough the door to get a photo.  Any movement inside the kitchen scares mamma bird off the nest.  I know that as soon as those eggs hatch and the babies take off, that nest is outta there.  Messy little things.  But I won’t uproot them now. I can wait!


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