September 26, 2024

I had a few things to do in Jeannette, then at Mike P’s. Got 6 or 7 things at Walmart, gas in the Mazda, then home. Passed this house with over the top Halloween decorations!

Had a toast and tomato sandwich for lunch, then did a few things around the house. There was a light rain so I stayed inside. In fact, it’s raining lightly right now. Autmn called and her and Cameron came out for a few hours after lunch. He is so funny and so much fun! But WOW is he a busy baby! You can’t take your eyes off of him for a minute!

Kathy came over to say a quick hello and goodbye as they are taking a trip out west for a few days. We all enjoyed watching Cameron, and he was very entertaining.

Autmn had two types of healthy muffins that she wanted to make for Cameron’s breakfasts, and about 6 or 7 types of fruits and veggies that she needed to cut up so Cameron can have them with meals. We worked a few hours on prepping those foods. In the meantime Cameron was in ten places at once! He really loved the big bowl and purple spoon and played with it the whole time.

Autmn working on the fruits and veggies
How’d he do that?

I made him Chicken Nugget Dinosaurs for supper, then they left. They had to pick Noah up at work. Think the chicken came from the egg cartons???

As I sit here and type, Alvin the Chipmunk is sitting on the deck. I think he’s giving me a lecture, because he’s upset that his nice little home in the front maple tree was taken away. Hoping he can find a new one before winter!

Poor Simon and Theodore are depressed – they’re staying in a motel….

Today was the 55th anniversary of the Beatles Abbey Road album. Reenacted by 1774 Founding Fathers in Colonial Williamsburg!

My blessing for today was having my precious family here!

PEANUTS Thought for the Day:

May be a doodle of text

TOMORROW September 27th is:

American Indian Day; National Train Day; Ancestor Appreciation Day; German Sandwich Day; Hug a Vegetarian Day; Morning Show Host Day; National Chocolate Milk Day; National Crush a Can Day; National Scarf Day; World Tourism Day; National Day of Forgiveness.

Yesterday’s fake day was National Scotch Day. Nate will celebrate by hugging Jen (vegetarian). Forgiveness is good, and so is touring. God bless!

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