September 29, 2024

Today was the last day of our teaching break. Mary and I will teach the month of October. I have the lessons picked out and next week’s lesson printed. We had a children’s ministry meeting after church today and Izabela had a lot of helpful information. AND we had lunch!

Lesson for October 6th

Todd’s message was about sharing Jesus. We should use our resources to influence people for Christ. 1) Carry other people’s burdens. 2) Move obstacles. 3) Trust Him. God is in control – Don’t THROW Jesus at someone. BE Jesus to someone.

Once the meeting was over and I left church, I stopped at Aldi for a few things. They did NOT have popcorn (for my new air popper) so I went to Shop and Save for that, and picked up my favorite Quilted Northern while I was there.

New popper
Of course it’s purple!

I left Shop and Save and took the back way home – Passed a house with an unusual Halloween display!

Skeleton walking the dog.
Out for a stroll past the graveyard.

I next stopped at Kathy’s to get the mail and water the plants on the porch. Dollar General was having a harvest buy one/get one free sale, and I can never resist a bargain! This was fifty cents!

My little Blessed bowl

Diane and her friend was supposed to leave tomorrow for Asheville NC but the flooding and the storm damage has changed their plans. They are instead going to Gettysburg. Either trip sounds amazing to me! She sent me a picture from her friend who lives near the Jersey shore. The waves were super high!

High waves in New Jersey

Kathy sent me a picture from the Grand Canyon. A dream come true for them, and I’m so happy that it’s finally happened! I believe the trip also involves a train ride!

Look at that view behind them!

I took an hour outside and cleaned up three small sections of my flower beds. I’m still intimidated by the hill! Maybe this week… But while I was cleaning the section by the gate, I was working around the Zinnias. When I stood up I noticed a huge bee sitting on the flower right above where my head was! I’m glad it stayed on the zinnia and didn’t climb onto my head!

Along the fence line
Under the deck.
By the roses
By the deck.
That’s one big bee!

At church this morning Mary had a surprise for me. She MADE me a picture of Charlie Brown and Snoopy! I love it! It’s amazing! She is such a dear friend and I appreciate her friendship so much. Thank you, Mary!

My Peanuts picture
Perfect spot for it.

My blessing today was having the energy to get extra things done.

PEANUTS Thought for the Day:

TOMORROW September 30th is:

Extra Virgin Olive Oil Day; International Podcast Day; International Translation Day; National Chewing Gum Day; National Hot Mulled cider Day; National Love People Day; National Mud Pack Day; National Puppy Mill Survivor Day; Orange Shirt Day; Pet Tricks Day; Thunderbirds Day.

Yesterday’s fake day was National Stink Bug Day. Tomorrow – We should always love people. I wrote a story about Tazz and a puppy mill. It was another one of my favorites, set in Boston… God bless!

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